Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Officially Uninspired

My creative juices must be directly linked to the amount of oxygen that enters my nose and since I am all stuffed up, it is affecting my blogging.

Really, I just feel miserable. I was hoping I was sick at first, because that would mean I would get over it; whereas allergies will last through July. Now, however, I am thinking that wasn't the best desire...

See, because allergies bring all this extra mucus and inflammation with them, it often leads to being sick anyway. So now I think I have a bit of both. Allergies + sickness = a whole bunch of yuck and lots of used tissues.

Tyler calls them my snot rags (gotta save that for posterity). He need only look at a wastebasket and assess the number of snot rags therein to tell what kind of day I have had. Today wasn't good; it was a full wastebasket day.

I should buy stock in Kleenex.

So instead of blogging about the beautiful pink sunset outside my window, the latest Nienie Dialogues that were incredible, or even my poor baby with her ear infections... I am lost in a little bit of self-misery. Truly people, I do know there are worse things than allergies and trouble breathing, but sometimes it is hard to see past the tip of my own stuffed nose.


  1. Oh, I hate having allergies. I feel like I can never breathe.

  2. my allergies are the WORST in utah. dreading the trip there this summer. there are perks to the rainy climate in washington, i suppose. do any of the OTC's work for you?

  3. Not really. Some years I don't take anything because I am pregnant or nursing. Right now would be a perfect time to try some...since I am neither. But in past years, the OTC's haven't even dented my allergies. I took some Sudafed nasal Decongestant the other day and I didn't notice ANY difference.

  4. Allergies wipe me out. I have been fortunate not to have major problems the past few years, but I remember vividly the years that they were horrible and feeling sad that I was locked indoors when the weather was so inviting. I really hope that you can find something that will take some of your misery away.

  5. I take Zyrtec, and it works pretty well, but not great. And I *love* Puffs with Lotion. They are the very softest tissues.

    Yeah, lots of sneezing and sniffling over here too.

  6. This is when I'm glad I don't have allergies. Sorry for yours!
