Sunday, May 10, 2009

I Might Have Cried When They Sang at Church Today

Daisy, I love when you are sucking your thumb and you smile, because you have to smile around your thumb and it is just cute.

Robyn, you find all the cool games on the computer and I love when June has to ask you how to get there, because it reminds me that we second-borns know what's up too.

June, you are just a little me walking around. This is especially obvious when I hear you say things like, "Will you two knock it off!" when Ivory and Robyn are fighting. I hope you pick up my good traits along with my bad ones.

Ivory, someone told me tonight that you look just like me, and it made my day.


  1. This post is precious. Your girls are beautiful, and they are lucky to have you as a mom...they definitley have a good example to look up to!

  2. Those pictures are adorable! Your children are so fab-obviously must be from you.

  3. So truly adorable, each and every one.
