Monday, May 11, 2009

You Might Have Mentioned

Dear Orem Rec Center Employee,

I would appreciate that next time when you tell me that swim registration opens at midnight on the 11th, that you also mention that you can't actually register until 5am. This would allow me more than five hours of sleep, as I would probably not stay up until midnight and then curse you aloud as I set my alarm for five in the morning.

Sincerest Regards,



  1. I'm wondering how registration "opens" if you can't actually register until 5 hours later. I'm feeling a little guilty. I was actually awake at 5:00am (for the fourth time) and could have let you sleep in if I had known your plight. I hope you got a nap today.

  2. The same thing happened to me last year and I was sooooo mad! I really like my sleep.

  3. I so hate when things like that happen to me. It really is so annoying. I hope you got a nap or something to make up for your lack of sleep.

    (Also, I didn't comment on your other post, but if you a book club I totally want to be in!)
