Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Little Gym

I told my girls that they could try something this summer—anything they wanted. Robyn immediately chose gymnastics since June got to do it eons ago (read: when she was 3) and Robyn has not forgotten. Ivory thought gymnastics sounded good to her too, and then June was eventually convinced that she needed to be doing what her sisters were doing. So I looked around and found The Little Gym. It is close, it is affordable, and it has combined classes, so now the girls get to do gymnastics along with dance (tap and ballet). I think this will be a fun summer. I will just have to endure a thousand requests to 'watch me dance mom', or 'look what I can do.'

I can't wait.

If you want to check them out they have a website thelittegym.com, or they have a blog.


  1. our definition of "affordable" is obviously different. i checked out their pricing awhile ago... i thought it was outrageous! course, it may be priced differently there in utah...

  2. That does sound like it will be a way fun summer for your girls, and they'll all look so cute dancing and tumbling around. If they ever need a captive audience to "preform" for, let me know. I love your girls!

  3. I talked to some people whose kids went to dance for $35 an hour. The Little Gym figures out to about $14 an hour. I have heard of places as low as $10, but I didn't find any, and Little Gym works well with my schedule.

  4. i know that here it is more $ than that. the place i was considering gymnastics for the girls was $16/hour... and the little gym was pricier than that.

  5. Callie and I did the little gym for three semesters. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it there.

  6. A few of my friends at work take their daughters to Little Gym and the kids LOVE it. My friends like it too because it's budget friendly and keeps the girls interested and active. I think your girls will have so much fun!

  7. Sounds like a great, fun summer activity for your girls! I need to find a fun summer activity for the boys...I heard there's soccer for even 18 mos. kids., or maybe swim lessons. I thought about even signing Mark up for an adult league, but I don't know if it'll work in his schedule. Then ALL of the boys would have a fun summer activity...oh, wait - what about me?!?!

  8. That is so great maleen! Your girls will be the cutest little gymnsastic dancers ever! You are a great mom. :)
