Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pomp and Circumstance

My five-year old graduated from Pre-school yesterday morning. She has done such an excellent job learning, growing, making friends, and branching out. They do such a cute job at the school with little caps and gowns and a final scrapbook to take home. Look how adorable they are on stage.

Miss Makenzie, Robyn's buddy, did such a great job putting Robyn's scrapbook together. She even gave me about twenty extra photos that wouldn't fit in the book. Oh, and Robyn LOVED her by the way. She talked about her all the time and asked her to come home with her often. At the beginning of school, Robyn would come out by herself when it was her turn, but by the end, Miss Makenzie was always with her carrying her bag. I think Miss Makenzie was fond of her too, but how could you not be?

Robyn made a lot of friends, but there was one girl in particular who was always giving things to Robyn. If I found extra things in her bag, I always heard, "Oh, that's from Abby." Thanks Abby, you probably made Pre-school a lot more fun for Robyn.

I'm so proud of Robyn, and a little jealous. As I looked through her scrapbook I saw so many fun activities that I was not a part of; memories I didn't share. I wish I could be there for everything, but that is not how it works. I will just have to content myself with what I have and feel blessed that I get her as a daughter. I sure love you Robyn.


  1. Yay for Robyn graduating pre-school. How fun is that little graduation they put on?! It looks like she had a great day!

  2. What a sweet little graduate! She looks so grown up.

  3. The graduation looks just like it did when Tay and June were there! I really liked that preschool!

  4. A graduation ceremony for the pre-schoolers? Crazy!
