Thursday, June 25, 2009

Big Faker

I am in so much trouble!!

Let me explain. Ivory has nap time every day. I usually check on her sometime during nap time to see if she is asleep (she takes a nap 4 out of 5 days). She tends to sleep behind her dresser and kind of under the bed recently and that doesn't bother me as long she seems comfortable.

The other day I was downstairs cleaning in the kitchen and I kept hearing noises from upstairs. Some seemed to be coming from the vent (which connects to the vent which is behind the dresser right where she sleeps). I went up to check on her and she was sleeping. Hmm. I must be imagining things. Later, I heard more strange sounds coming from the vent. I went up to check on Ivory and she was asleep. I even checked on Daisy to see if I was hearing something strange from the baby monitor, but all was quiet upstairs. I had one of those 'Am I going crazy?' moments but I shrugged my shoulders and went back to the kitchen. When I heard the noises again, I vowed to get to the bottom of the mystery. I once again went up to Ivory's room and she was sleeping as before, but I thought I detected some movement. I went over and stood very quietly above her and waited. Almost a minute later, one little eyelid cracked open and Ivory peeked around to see if I had left.


She laughed and I thought she was pretty funny too. Now I check very carefully during nap time to make sure she is really sleeping.

Fast forward to today. I had dropped the older girls off at the Scera for a movie and I was taking Daisy and Ivory home. I was giving her a bit of a lecture about cleaning up her room and putting her clothes away. I told her that first thing when we got home, I wanted her to clean up. We drove in silence for a while and when I looked back again she was asleep. Oh no, I thought, it is her nap time and she is so tuckered out from swimming and everything. I said, "Ivory, we are almost home, don't fall asleep yet," but there was no response; she was out cold. We were only a couple blocks from home and I figured I would take her right upstairs to her bed. I parked and carefully got her out of the backseat and carried her inside. She kept sleeping on my shoulder and we went upstairs. I put her gently in bed and she pulled her blankets up around her face and that's when I saw it. Was that a hint of a smile???

I closed the door softly behind me but now I was curious. I got Daisy out of the car and played with her for a few minutes, but then I crept back to Ivory's door and opened it slowly. There she was sitting on her dresser reading a book.


She is three for heavens sake. She did not crack a smile at all in the car. I tell you, this girl is a pro. I am in so much trouble. If she can fool me now, can you imagine what she will get away with when she is older?


  1. That is so funny! That is crazy that she held so still and didn't even crack a smile. You really are in trouble when she is older.

  2. that's hilarious. i just hope when you say you dropped the older girls off at the scera for a movie, they were accompanied by an adult?

  3. Holy crap that is awesome! I can't believe she already knows how to fake-sleep!

  4. Yes, the older girls went to the movies with their dad. He was late getting home so we met at the theater. Normally we switch off (read: I go to all the good movies and he takes them to the rest).

  5. That's MY granddaughter all right! I'm sure she inherited her sneaky genes from me. The next time I visit I'll have to give her some tips on some of my best con jobs!

  6. That is amazing. Wow- that girl is quite the actress!! Watch out for her- she can keep a straight face!

  7. That totally cracks me up. Perfecting the art of fake-sleep at such a young age . . . this girl might have a future in acting.

  8. I wish I could be as good as her. Im ok but not quite as good. (I uasully end up asleep).

  9. Let the games begin - or are you already in the battle for your life. A 3 yr old - scores 2, mom, scores .5 lol....:)
