Friday, June 26, 2009

A Peek Inside My Brain (Don't look too close)

Here are some of my thoughts at the moment in no particular order of importance:

I'm pregnant.

I'm still in that weird it-doesn't-seem-real-yet phase. I keep rechecking the little dollar store test to see if that second line is still there.

I am so excited.

I am sad to think that this pregnancy might make others sad (namely those who think that Tyler and I get pregnant looking at each other while they struggle to conceive). Sometimes life doesn't seem fair.

While I always thought we might have another baby sooner than later because Daisy has always been such a good baby, I didn't think we would get pregnant for a few more months (that was the plan).

I have no idea when my due date is. I haven't been to a doctor. I don't know how far along I am.

I thought my period was just late. It was late last month too. I wasn't even going to take a test but then I had to because we were trying to change some health insurance stuff.

We were pretty much denied everything we wanted to change in health care because we are pregnant. Awesome.

The supplemental insurance we signed up for a few weeks ago will have to be canceled because we were not supposed to get pregnant yet.

Life doesn't always go how you plan.

No, Daisy is not a year old yet.

My poor mother hasn't even finished the birth announcement for my last baby. I can't wait to tell her that she needs to do another.

Would I be happy with another girl? Sure. Do I want a boy? Sure.

June has pink eye—I know this isn't really related, but it is in my thoughts.

Tyler got that familiar smirk he gets when he finds out. I think he is happy too, minus the insurance stuff. I wish I could have surprised him with the news, but it was more like me peeing in the other room and him asking through the door what the result was. Sentimental, huh?

Five kids...that's a lot.

I feel like I lied to my sister. I did take a test in WA, when I was about five days late, and it was negative, so I told her I wasn't pregnant. Oops. (Note to self: this is not the first dollar store test that read negative at the very beginning. It might possibly be worth it to invest in something more reliable so as not to lie to family members, or myself, in the future).

Um...did I mention I'm pregnant?

This is my first pregnancy in my thirties.

I tell myself that this explains why I have been so emotional recently, but let's face it...I'm emotional all the time.

Those are some of my thoughts. I'm off to go do some calculating with the calendar and see if I can figure out when this baby would arrive.

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