Friday, June 5, 2009

Not Much Has Changed

During my day, I do a lot of this...

And definitely some of this...

Except that these pictures are of June, not Daisy.

Life is a big circle, repeating itself over and over again.

I don't mind.

I could do without the laundry and dishes and sadly the piles of clothes will remain long after the babies are grown.

I'm not sure why I have been thinking about how precious our time is with our little ones. I am not pregnant and extra emotional. I do not have some fatal disease. I sure hope that my time here is not limited.

Just some days I look into these little eyes that surround me and I can see straight through to eternity. Things sure do look good on that side.

Um...that one's Daisy.


  1. Stop it, you're making me cry. It strikes me that the time of June as a gone. That's good in most ways, but in some ways it's a little sad. We'll just keep pumping out babies so as not to lose the "new baby" smell.

  2. My favorite Maleen post to date.

    Rip my heart out! I have been really trying to let some things slide and enjoy this time and season of my life. I'm not very good at it yet. I'm just too high strung! You got me thinking.

  3. Loved this post. You look the same by the way, still great. It is crazy how time flies.

  4. I still feel like I was just there, with my babies, and look at them! I wish that life had rewind button sometimes. It just moves so fast.

  5. Great post! Seeing straight through their eyes to eternity - wow, what a great thing! I have been trying to not be so uptight about things, but am definitely still learning and have lots of room to improve. I need to learn to relax about things more and just look at the boys in the same way you are looking at your girls. They do grow up WAY too fast.

  6. Please don't let Stallion pump you full of kids just to keep the baby smell around!
