Thursday, June 4, 2009

Midnight Cravings

Last night around midnight Tyler told me he wanted brownies. I love him enough that I almost got my shoes on and went to the store to get him some, but come was midnight and I was almost finished with a book, so his request went unheeded.

In the morning I recalled that I had a handy dandy homemade recipe that I could have used the night before; it is so fast and easy. You really just need some cocoa powder on hand and you are set (well, you need all the ingredients actually, but the others are things that you would probably have anyway).

And so today we made brownies, but it wasn't enough (being a 9x9 pan) so we made them again. And I've decided that I really like the added touch of sprinkles and white chips; they make it seem gourmet.

So it is your lucky day. Here is the super easy recipe so you can fulfill all your midnight brownie cravings. I got this recipe from here, in case you were wondering.

Super Moist Scratch Brownies

1/2 cup butter
6 T. cocoa powder
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp. vanilla
3/4 cup flour

Melt butter on stove or in microwave. Add cocoa and stir until smooth. Add sugar, mix thoroughly and let cool for a moment. Mix in 2 eggs and 1 tsp. vanilla. Combine thoroughly. Lastly, stir in 3/4 cup flour, but no not over mix; just until the flour has disappeared.

Pour into a sprayed (unless it is non-stick) square brownie pan. Cook in a 350 oven for 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool 10-15 minutes, or at least try not to burn your tongue when you dig into it after 5 minutes.

*Feel free to experiment and add things on top, such as caramel, nuts, choc chips, coconut , sprinkles (yay!), name it.

So there, now you can have brownies whenever you want. And if you don't have cocoa powder feel free to stop by my house at midnight and I can hook you up. I will always have some extra on know, for my husband and HIS cravings.


  1. I admit that I have never made brownies from scratch. I will try these today to turn that around! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I haven't ever made brownies from scratch either....and I think my cocoa powder is at its end. Wish we could stop by your house for some, but in our case....we'd be better off going to the store! Thanks for the recipe though - I'll try it next time I have some cocoa powder - it seems WAY easy! And the added touch of the sprinkles does seem cool!
