Monday, June 29, 2009

Nothing Like a Summer Wedding

The flower girl took her job very seriously.

The bride was beautiful (veil compliments of yours truly).

The audience was mesmerized.

There was a tense moment when the groom realized (s)he forgot the rings.

But it all worked out.

There was dancing which concluded with a fabulous dip.

Fruit snacks for refreshments was a perfect finish.

What a beautiful day for a wedding.


  1. So cute! Your girls come up with the most creative things to do together.

  2. So fun! I loved being little and having fun summers marrying my brothers and sisters and just having fun being little! How fun that they have each other!

  3. I thought I wouldn't have to worry about weddings for at least another 14, maybe 15 years! At least these ones are cheaper!

  4. That is hilarious! Why werent we invited. I mean really it was the event of the summer. LOL

  5. What a special day! The scary thing is that the real thing won't be too far away. Hopefully fruit snacks for refreshments will still be the perfect finish (fingers crossed).

  6. I really thought it was a wedding with the first picture. I was thinking, hmmm.. that's an interesting dress for a wedding! Luckily, I caught on quickly. Nothing gets past me.

  7. I did not see my invitation in the mail. HA HA!!! That was absolutely an adorable post!

  8. How arorable are your baby girls. I can't believe that they are old enough to be planning that great and dreadful? day when they will tie the knot or complete the circle, or whatever!!~ Only a few short more years and they will be off marrying men of their own. How will Ty and u take it?

  9. That's sweet! How fab that all your girls get along and do this sort of stuff together.
