Saturday, June 27, 2009

Signs of Summer

The ice cream man stopped by today.

Yes, that was Batman, minus the ears.

And the hedgie came out. Daisy doesn't remember it, but she liked it last year too.

Gotta love bubbles.

This is where I usually find Daisy...hanging on to my leg.


  1. I wish I had the ice cream man! I never hear one where I live! Jealous...

  2. Even if the ice cream man came where I live Im still not allowed to get any ice cream =(.

  3. I hear you Tim. Mom never let me get ice cream either.

  4. I bought my first ice cream from an ice cream truck the other day. We didn't have ice cream trucks in Ferron. Tell me how you like that book you are reading.

  5. Your girls are so cute. And that ice cream makes me hungry.
