Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tock to Me

I saw this picture on a website back in February.

I decided that I needed one, but with pictures of course. After thinking it through, I decided I could get it ready for Father's Day. Well, it is a good thing that I gave myself some leg room, because it took longer than I wanted to assemble; mainly because the dollar store did not have a good selection of frames at first and I was NOT going to pay more than a dollar per frame (I wanted this project to be awesome AND thrifty).

And then because I can't keep anything a secret and I love to give gifts early, I put it up for Tyler today. Granted I will not be in town for Father's Day, so that was the perfect excuse to be bestowing presents ahead of schedule. So here it is...

I am super pleased with the end result except for the hands. I bought them off Ebay in March and they sat around in my baby's room for quite some time. I think the kids may have damaged them a bit because they tell the time, but they seem to be a little slanted—the hour hand doesn't point quite at the place it should (I'm still trying to adjust them).

But considering what they did to the clock I took down off the wall, I should be happy. I really liked my old clock and I left it on the bed while I was putting up my picture one. The kids hadn't even touched it, until I left the room for a moment and I heard June say, "Look how fast time is going," and I came in to see her twirling the hands as fast as she could. Yep, they don't work anymore.

The good news is that I have a clock that I like more now.


  1. Super cute idea! I'll have to remember it for the someday when I have my own house where we will stay for a long time.

  2. LOVE IT!!! It turned out great. I am impressed with your ambition and your talent.

  3. What an awesome idea! Pictures looks great too. Great job!

  4. wow--it turned out great! i love it. would that i could have things turn out so fun!

  5. I think it turned out really well!

  6. I love it!!! So cute. So so cute.

  7. Wow! I am so impressed! That looks really really cool. *Stores idea away*

  8. Okay, so how would I go about searching for clock hands? Do I just type "clock hands" on eBay or what? Would local stores sell them or is eBay my best bet?

  9. I too am wondering how I could obtain the clock hands. What a great idea! I so want to do this!

  10. Dad wants to know when on earth you find the time to DO things like this. I would think with four kids to take care of that your time would be stretched pretty thin. However, you never cease to amaze us. Obviously you have inherited some of the creativity that your parents have!

  11. It turned out so cute!!! I am in the process of moving, but when I get into my new house that might just be my first project!

    Thanks for the link!
