Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Life is NOT Fair, but I Try

I cut Ivory's hair last week. It was all sorts of different layers because it grew that way from birth and I thought it was time to even it out a bit (the longest part in the middle was almost touching her bum). Most people haven't noticed but she looks more precocious to me. I wasn't going to post about it, but then I realized that I posted June's and Robyn's first hair cut. And so, in an effort to be fair, I thought I should mention Ivory's.

There is one marked difference. Robyn and June had curls and I saved their curls so I could do something with them later on. Well...Ivory did not have curls and I threw her hair away. Yep people, I chucked it. I didn't tie her hair back in a pony tail, so it was just a bunch of strands on the floor that would have been very hard to piece back together. It isn't fair, but that's just the way it is. Sorry Ives.

If it makes you feel better, Daisy doesn't have curls either.


  1. Anna does have curls. Abbie actually gave her her first haircut!... I fished a little curl off the bathroom floor and saved it. i haven't saved anyone else's hair...

  2. I don't think I have any of my kids' hair saved, so you can use me in the future if you need to. "Deanne didn't save ANY of her kids' hair." Your girls all have great hair, and the photos you take should show them how great it was. Ivory's hair looks so cute! The being fair thing can get tricky.

  3. Curly or not, her hair is gorgeous. I agree with Deanne. Your girls have some amazing locks. I was really emotional about Callie getting her first haircut, but I guess you are on girl haircut number three!
