Monday, July 27, 2009

The Black Sheep

Or in this case...the black dog. And by black, I mean totally fallen from my good graces.

If my children (read: Robyn) didn't love that rodent so much, I would get rid of her. I can't stand Moxy's lack of obedience. She 'pretends' to do what you want, while you are watching, but the moment your back is turned, she does whatever she darn well pleases. The wounds are probably too fresh to be writing this post, but I shall tell you anyway.

Yesterday, I made quiche. I LOVE my quiche. The crust isn't so fantastic because I have never been an excellent crust maker (wait, maybe I am not so much like Snow White as I imagined) but the filling is a delicious blend of bacon, cheese, cream, spinach, and egg (for the record I hate spinach so I love eating quiche because then I feel like I am conquering my aversion, but really you can't taste the spinach at all). Now, on a normal night, the kids will eat hardly any, Tyler and I will have a good sized slice, but then I usually have almost half a quiche for myself to save for later. Yum. However, last night we had company, Bro. Maxwell, and he had seconds, as well as June and the baby ate an entire slice herself. This left only a quarter of the quiche left, and after I sent some leftovers home with Bro. Maxwell for lunch, there was only a small little sliver left; not nearly enough for me, but it would make a good midnight snack.

It was like a little treat I was saving for myself, like the chocolate bar in the drawer that you reward yourself with after finishing a task. I figured I would get all the kids in bed, and then Tyler and I would watch some TV and I would eat my quiche. The kids were finally settled, I took Tyler's hand and we headed downstairs. I heard a slight clinking of dishes and I thought, Did one of the kids get up to get a drink? This is when I saw the dog lick the final crumbs from the pie dish and jump down from the table.


Moxy has gotten on the table before and has been severely scolded for it. I falsely thought that maybe she had learned something. Nope. I tossed her unceremoniously out the door and then left her in the kennel for a few hours. Grr.

But my heart softened over the evening and I thought that surely now she would stay off my dining room table. So imagine my surprise when I packed the kids in the car this morning to go shopping. I had everyone ready to go, I put the dog back inside, walked to the car and realized that I had forgotten my key. So, I popped back in the door, decided to check for any money I needed to deposit and I rounded the corner to see the dog drinking out of Robyn's cup on the table.


She didn't learn a thing!! She does whatever she pleases! I hadn't been gone for over a minute and she was back on my table. I was very proud of myself. I simply picked her up gently and put her back in her kennel (I have learned that yelling doesn't help—she tends to pee all over the place). So I need to be realistic about this. She is not going to be allowed to be in the house alone. She will have to be put in her kennel whenever we leave. But she has brought this on herself. I don't even feel bad for her.

I guess you can't teach a sneaky dog new tricks.


  1. Animals are just sneaky. We brought home a pizza from Costco and my cat, who has never shown any interest in pizza, was sniffing the box like it was hers. Then I look up and she has jumped on the table - and for the record, I was AT the table, using the laptop - and was ready to dig into the half a piece of pizza I hadn't eaten.

    I think when it come to food, you just can't trust your pets.

  2. My freaking new dog is the same way! He never listens, he steals everything and I totally regret getting that idiot.
