Saturday, July 25, 2009


I feel like I have been on a blogging fast. It is almost unheard for me to go four days without posting. And not that I have anything very interesting to say at the moment, but I feel the need to keep updated.

The news around here is how amazed I am at the destruction little children can cause. One day does not go by without something being broken, ruined, decimated, destroyed. A lot of the time it is their toys, and it makes me frown and wonder why I even buy them toys in the first place. But after this week, I know why; I would rather have them destroying their toys than our stuff.

I was complaining to Tyler about all the stuff they get into in the house and he said I should let them play outside more often. Yep, this resulted in TWO broken bikes. I think the paperboy ran over one (a scooter), and then one of our little trikes was obviously sat on by a larger child (maybe not even ours in this case) and really messed up. Someone colored with crayon on the driveway (why, when they have so much sidewalk chalk? Granted if you teach your kids they can color on the sidewalk with one implement I could see the jump to trying something else, but they would have had to go inside to get crayons, while the whole driveway is littered with sidewalk chalk) and then Robyn took one of Dad's drum sticks (the soft yarn-wrapped kind), dipped it in a bowl of old car oil and painted the driveway as well. Tyler is no longer so hip about them playing outside.

I'm not sure how to keep them in check without playing police 24/7. I must keep reminding myself that I should laugh at these moments now because all too soon they will be teenagers and doing things that will probably drive me to write my own messages on the driveway with motor oil.


  1. Things get broken at our house too inside and out, it can be frustrating. I pray the teenage years go smoothly.

  2. I totally know how you feel. Its not easy trying to keep them out of trouble and I only have two to watch. Add kids from the neighborhood into the mix and your bound to have lots of stuff broken. But I always think of my mom saying, don't worry about the small stuff, does it really matter in the end. I guess not, although a drum stick might be worth getting upset about.

  3. I SOOO hear you. Destruction is the theme around here lately too. School can't start soon enough!

  4. When I read this post, all I could think of is...just keep swimming...just keep swimming!

  5. Broken toys are far better than having them break your own stuff.

    One of my kids inadvertently sprayed aerosol sunscreen on Andy's new imac last summer. It was not a pretty moment. The monitor is still not the same.

  6. I hear ya! I feel like I am constantly cleaning up spills and lamenting over broken things! It can be so hard.
