Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall...

We were supposed to be in Idaho this week, but due to sad events (Grandma getting ill) we were forced to stay here instead. Truthfully I am slightly relieved, but only because I wasn't really relishing the four hour drive by myself (which is eight hours once you head home). I am terribly saddened that we won't be seeing family, as are the girls, so I thought that I would try to make it up to them by taking them swimming.

Now, do not expect pictures of this event, because watching four girls at a pool is plenty for me to worry about without adding a camera into the mix (water+camera=Tyler not letting me buy any more expensive toys for myself...EVER).

We did have a brilliantly good time. Water, fun, sun, even some creamies...what more could you ask for? Even Nedra came with us and she watched the baby for moments so I could take the girls on the big slides. Yay for summer and all that.

But there is still more to the story, the best part in my opinion. This is the part where I get to play a princess. Naturally, I am sure that you would see me as Belle (because of my hair color and my affinity for books), but my secret princess identity is that of Snow White, because I am most certainly the fairest of them all. And by fairest here, I mean light skinned and not smatteringly gorgeous (darn). I have been the fairest for years in fact. I think my record is only twenty minutes in the sun for a spectacular burn, so I am no fool when it comes to sunscreen...I wear it. Period.

Today was no different, except in a few minor (crucial) details. I was busy lathering up the children. I didn't have an adult around so I beckoned Robyn over and asked her to do my back. June wanted in on the action and I told them that I had plenty of back to go around. I squirted a few spritzes back there and they went to town. In the meantime while kids were lotioning me up, I was working on the baby, making sure she was nice and UV protected. I wasn't paying much attention to their work, but after all, two sets of hands are better than one. Then we were all set. Kinda.

This is where you have probably already figured out that I was NOT all set; that perhaps you should not put your chances of skin cancer in the hands of a five and six year old. And so I have this fabulous burn to show for it. See the burn.

The upper right corner was where Robyn was working and I think June did a good job taking care of my lower back. That is where the protection ends and the pain starts. Not to mention some feelings of guilt and stupidity. You would think after playing the part of Snow White all these years that I would have learned...that I would double check and perhaps put a second layer of sunscreen on. I mean it can't hurt when you are the fairest in the land. But no. Not today.

So for a just a while, when I look in my magic mirror, all I can say is, "Ouch!"


  1. Oh sweet pea...I'm so sorry!!! It look like it just kills!! Make sure you aloe it!! Oh, my heart goes out to you. At least you feel comfortable in a swim suit? (just trying to lighten the mood).

  2. Oh, that does look painful. I'm so sorry. Here's a hint I learned from my mom for after the burn. When it starts to heal and gets all itchy, sleep with a long spoon (wooden or plastic) so when the itching wakes you up in the night, you are prepared. I hope it heals fast!

  3. Ouch! I'm so sorry. The girls did a fine job on their respective areas, though. I guess if you want them to apply aloe vera it will be easy to tell where it needs to go; you know, the red part.

  4. That looks so bad! I cant believe it! You can see their little hand prints even. Well, lesson learned right? Maybe you will end up with a tan!

  5. I looked back and the sunscreen had actually expired so maybe the girls did a better job than I think.
    Deanne- I actually did tell them that when we came home. "Girls, put the aloe everywhere that looks pink."
    Emilie- I have tried before and it never turns into a tan. It just peels and goes back to my lovely white skin. Blat.

  6. Ow! I will bring some stuff over later.

  7. Banana Boat Aloe Vera lotion always makes my sunburns feel better, and it makes the red turn into tan (or maybe in your case, white again) pretty quickly. I swear by it. When I use it, I just CAKE it on, not even rubbing it in all the way, but letting the burn just soak it in - always works wonders for me. Good luck! Maybe driving 4 hrs. to Idaho would've been at least a little more comfortable?!?!

  8. I don't think there are many things in this world that are worse and more nagging than a bad sun burn. I am so sorry! Yikes!

  9. I always burn -- make that fry.

    I feel your pain, I really do.

  10. While I truly am sympathetic, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't giggling just a little bit. Sorry!

  11. I just got a sunburn too- but not nearly that bad. I hope youre ok.

  12. Well, you may be the 'fairest of the fair' in your current family, but Dad beats you out in your original family. Actually, so do I and Miranda, for that matter. I'm sorry I can't be there to peel off the lovely sheets of skin when you get to that stage! For some unknown reason, I love peeling off skin - especially in big chunks.

  13. That looks awful. There is nothing worse than a bad sunburn. How did you wear any clothes for the next few days?

  14. Holy crap that looks like it hurts! I have been waiting for my first really bad burn of the season...I hope it's not like that though!

  15. I did the same thing! Well, almost - I thought the spray sunscreen would work (with just me applying it)...well, that area of my back is still red! my goodness, my kids were covered, you would think i would try and keep myself from getting burned too - oh well! only time heals the red...no matter what products are out there!
