Monday, July 20, 2009

LHOTP (Pronounced El Hot Pee)

Raise your hand if you know who I'm talking about when I refer to Charles Ingalls, star of a famous television series. Okay, those who aren't raising hands yet, how about Caroline Ingalls, his wife? Maybe Mary, Carrie, or Grace, their children?

Alright, a few more hints: This particular show featured the community of Walnut Grove, Minnesota in the 1870s. The show aired 203 episodes over nine years on NBC during the golden age of television. It's the winner of ten awards including four prestigious Emmy Awards, but it gained its fame for the timeless values taught on television, yes on television!

Hmm. If you haven't got any clue yet, there's no hope for you. You're either too young or you've been drowned in the mindless blather of modern television.

Well, it's time to be out with it. I've recently fell back in love with this show. It seems to be on whenever I want to watch TV! Our girls have been watching LHOTP as well—and this is a show you'll never feel bad showing any child of any age. The crazy thing is that parents can enjoy it too (not just endure it).

So it's probably killing you right? What is El Hot Pee? I don't know where El Hot Pee comes from, but LHOTP stands for Little House On The Prairie.

Yes, I'm coming out of the outhouse (they didn't have closets back then): I watch Little House on the Prairie, and I like it. I don't have to hide it anymore like I did as a young man in high school. I'm out and I'm proud! Now, before this starts sounding too much like a march in San Francisco, I need to go watch some more Charles Ingalls. Just tonight, we watched him and his fellow Walnut Grovers win a baseball game against the evil, no-good, cheating Slick McBurney of Sleepy Eye. Gambling, sportsmanship, honesty, work, play, integrity, and fun—just a little of what my daughters learned about tonight.

BTW, if you were wondering what years it ran through, I found out for ya: September 11, 1974, to March 21, 1983. This thanks to wikipeida.


  1. I have to admit that I NEVER watched LHOTP when I was younger. My mom loved the books and she was always telling me about them, but I couldn't get excited about girls in prairie dresses doing the 'right' thing.
    Yes, I am lame. Now that Tyler is watching them again, I can truly say they are pretty darn good.
    But that doesn't mean I am going to read the books mom.

  2. We really are kindred spirits...this happens to be the only thing that my children are allowed to watch on TV right now (with the exception of a couple of morning cartoons.) Last night we enjoyed watching "The Reincarnation of Nellie" where Nancy comes to live with the Olsens. I let them stay up to watch part I AND part II where Nellie dresses like a mermaid for the school's bizarre dunk tank. Right on LHOTP.

  3. I LOVE LHOTP! And I love the new name! My kids love it, I love it, and every once in awhile, you might find a tear coming from Mister Stevie Wonder Buns Eye- like when Mary goes blind, or when Albert abuses drugs, or when Laura tries to help Manly when he is fevered. Love the Ingalls.

  4. I loved watching LHOTP. I have all the books if either of you decide you want to read them to your girls.

  5. You forgot Laura in your list of children. :) I LOVE this show, and it's pretty much all we got to watch growing up. I recently saw the final episode, however, and was a little disturbed when they blew up the whole town. Those of you looking for it on DVD, they have all the seasons at ShopKo--but it's not cheap.

  6. Holy banana phone, I freaking loved LHOTP! I watched it all the time.

  7. Ok...2 things.

    #1 They went off the air the year I was born, but I totally watched the shows. Eventually I got "too cool" for them, but I loved them before I became so popular! :D (ya right...)

    #2 I was totally reading this post thinking "Maleen, there is nothing to be ashamed of!" And then I got to the part (past half way through) where I realized it was Tyler...and I laughed a little. Rock on Tyler! I'm glad you have something you can enjoy with your kids! :)

  8. I have to say, like Maleen, I NEVER watched LHOTP when I was growing up, but Mark introduced me to it and couldn't believe I was not familiar with it. He LOVES that show, and often watches it on TV when it's on. He hasn't officially "come out" yet, but I guess I am doing it for him. Must have been an IF thing for young men to regularly watch LHOTP! LOL!

  9. I totally watched LHOTP!

    Now my daughter has read most of the books and I want to re-read and re-watch them all....
