Sunday, July 19, 2009

It's That Time Again

It is my Blogoversary again. Two years of my thoughts and experiences. I have to admit that I am giving myself a pat on the back, because as much as I always wanted to be a journal keeper, I was never very good. I have dozens of books with my chicken scratch proclaiming that I would be better in that particular journal and then months would go by before I put in another entry.

But here are two years proving I can be fairly consistent at something. So, Happy Blogoversary to ME, and all you other people that enjoy reading my ramblings. Thanks for sharing in my life. It means more to me than you realize.


  1. Yeah! Happy Blogirthday to you! What a lovely cybercake that is for such a happy occasion!

  2. congrats! 2 years blogging is a big deal! (i'm almost at 4. i had a blog before my current one).

  3. I, for one, really apppreciate your blogging as it keeps me up to date on your family AND lets me see lots of pictures of those beautiful girls. I think it helps when you know there are a lot of people who read them. Since only you and Tim ever read MY blog, I've rather let it slide. Happy Blogoversary!

  4. congrats! it's me-linsey-lamar's wife. your daughters are beautiful and we LOVE the names! We also have a June! She is our baby (2 now) and then we have Phebe, Anna Belle, and Violet. (I have been trying to convince Lamar to name a girl Daisy and have not yet won, until tonight when he showed me your blog. Now he LOVES it-so thank you!) It's so fun to see this. My blog is under construction-but I will add you as soon as it's ready. So fun to see another family of girls!

  5. Happy Blogoversary! That is exciting.

  6. Happy blogaversary, happy blogaversary, happy blogaversary, haaaaapppy blogaversy!

  7. Congrats,congratgs and I have you to thank for allowing me to learn that I could join this thing called the blogosphere!! Happy anniversary!

  8. Oh,to celebrate your should bring your favorite friend some treats to work. Where have you guys been?
