Monday, July 13, 2009

For All You Seconds in the World

Take a close look. Who is that?

Yep, it's Robyn. She is riding with NO training wheels. She is so proud, but doubly so because June has yet to learn. She mentions this every time we go riding. I am sure she will remember this for the rest of her life. Let's just hope she doesn't remind June too often.

To be fair to June, I have not been the best about getting out there to teach them. And June would rather do this.

She is my little artist at heart. She is actually getting pretty good at riding without training wheels, but she didn't have the same motivation as Robyn.

In the meantime, Robyn has this short time to be the only two-wheel rider.

We took a ride together through the neighborhood. It was so nice. I should take her on one of the river trails soon (just the two of us). For the record, she does have shorts on; it's just that her shirt is too long, and well...her shorts are too short.


  1. Guess who won the bike helmet disagreement...

  2. I really just love the girl scene. The long shirt, the short shorts, mary janes and free hair...and the sidewalk chalk. We should be neighbors, really.
