Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Hand Me Downs

You gotta love hand me downs. I don't know how we would survive without them. Having four girls, it works well to pass things from one to the next. June is hard enough on clothes by herself that sometimes she wears something out before it even has a chance to get to Robyn, but in general the system works pretty well.

And bless their hearts, my girls love hand me downs. They get excited when the neighbor drops by clothes, when their sister says she is giving up her shirt, or when I get out the old bag of used flip flops from last summer; it is like a treasure trove.

But every once in a while, I am sad that they don't get more new stuff. At church on Sunday, I was going around to each nursery room singing with the children. Ivory was in the warm room where the fan is essential to keep kids from passing out. All the children had their shoes off and each pair was lined up against the wall. Ivory's class is predominantly girls, so there was a whole array of sandals, sunday shoes, and even a pair of jellies (super cute). They all looked spanking new, except for Ivory's.

Hers aren't terrible; certainly usable, but far from new, having already gone through two kids.

What can you do? They do get new things on their birthdays, but other than that, we have to make our money stretch. What are the chances they will all want to wear the same wedding dress?


  1. white shoe polish... go get some.

  2. That would take time, money, and energy. I only have one of those things. You can guess which.

  3. What a blessing that they love hand me downs! You never know, you may be in luck with the wedding dress wish. I am a sentimental fool and wanted to wear my sister's wedding dress (from 14 years before). It looked very old fashioned, but I was still happy to wear it.

  4. I always loved the hand me downs I got from my cousins. It was really an exciting day. :) You could always rent the wedding dresses... much cheaper and really, who does anything with a wedding dress later anyway?

  5. I took had me downs until I was in Junior High. By that time I was old enough to realize that there was a huge gap in the years between my sister wearing them and then me wearing them. I became very selfconcience about how old and out of style the clothes were. If your girls stay close to the same size it might still work. It's just when they start realizing that certain fashion trends don't last long that there becomes a problem

  6. I would say 'Dont't feel bad' but I know that I have felt the same way many times. But look on the bright side... Our kids are happy, healthy, and they don't even seem to care :). Thank goodness for kids, they love us no matter what!!!

  7. This post made me laugh in the opposite gender way of course. It's a good thing boys don't mind hand me downs either. I have a box of shoes yet to be used by Kaden and he loved it when I got the "new" church shoes out for him recently.

  8. I've got one but your girls will NEVER be able to fit in it!! Esp. if they take after their parents, lol.
