Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Fourth

We had such a fun Fourth of July this year.

Here's the gang.

I really like to get pictures after the water games at the park, but I didn't want to get the new camera anywhere near the water and when I was finally ready, too many kids had scattered to the park. So, you just have to imagine how much fun we had soaking each other.

We barbequed, feasted,

talked, played. My baby was a great eater with her ONE TOOTH now (yeah Daisy). She wins the award for most festive attire.

We did fireworks in the evening and I gave the girls some sparklers early on. They didn't really get into the idea of swinging them around; they were too busy holding them tentatively at arms length. That's okay with me.

Happy Fourth of July! I hope you all had a great time. May freedom wave!


  1. Nice Cake- i spent fourth of july with my friend jack. We through little dynamite sticks at the ground and they blew up. Nothing dangerous though. And as far as sparklers. Not enough sparkle, too much smoke. Cough- happy 4th of july.

  2. Sounds like lots of fun. Our 4th kinda fell apart because Madison was so sick. There's always next year. Great pics as usual!

  3. Which 14 states did you leave off of your cake? There's only 36 blueberries. Actually, there's only 7 stripes instead of 13, but let's not get too picky. This year we didn't buy any fireworks at all - and I have to admit that I didn't miss them. However, I saw a lot of them up in the sky as I drove to work.

  4. Happy 4th of July!!! It looks like you all had a lot of fun! We missed you though, I like it when you come here for the 4th! Hopefully we will see you soon.

  5. Sounds like a blast! That cake looks soo good!

  6. Ilove the 4th and agree, let FREEDOM RING!!! So glad you had fun. I had such a great weekend as well.
