Monday, July 6, 2009

Have Flour, Will Bake

I guess this is what happens when you read a book about cake.

Truthfully, I asked June what she wanted for FHE treat (her turn to pick) and when she said cake, my heart leaped and did a little dance. I gave her all the suggestions featured at the back of the book (yep, the book came with recipes) and we whipped up the above.

Looks good enough to eat, huh? Except the flowers...those are fake.


  1. Looks beautiful and yummy! You're a great mom!

  2. It looks delicious! I still need to read the book. I just need to get my hands on a copy. I'm going to try to make it to book club this month, but it depends on how long class goes that night. I promise though that one of these months I'm going to make it, and I'm SO excited!

  3. It does look good enough to eat! You are very ambitious. I'm anxious to hear your review of the cake (and the book). Maybe I will be inspired to bake a cake as well.

  4. looks like my kind of book. i need to get back into more "excuses"!!! you did a splendid job!!

  5. Yum! and I still need to read that book. Did anyone get Keri's copy?

  6. Go team!!! Is that cool whip topping that treasure? If so, sign me up baby!!!

  7. HMMM....hasn't it been quite awhile since you dropped off a treat at my desk...HINT HINT That cake looks delicious!!! (and beautiful).
