Tuesday, July 7, 2009

One Small Step for Daisy...

One giant leap for Cazier's.

Yes, that is right. We are all freestanding and mobile in the household again. Granted, Daisy does still prefer the crawl, but she spent all day trying out her new trick and taking tentative steps. She is up to about six at a time.

I decided to document; hence all the pictures.

Daisy is our slowest walker to date (not that it matters in the least). June started walking the day she turned nine months, Robyn at nine and a half months, Ivory at ten and Daisy brings up the rear at 11 months.

It matters not to take first place.
It matters that you end the race.

She is a stunt baby as well. It is not enough that she can stand...no...she must stand on things. Here is something simple like a toy, which I can easily take a picture of.

When she stands on things like the couch, boxes, stools, the counter she climbed on from the stool, I tend to run hastily to extract her (thus the lack of pictures of these daring stunts).

Golly, I can just not get enough of this cute baby. It makes me happy that her favorite thing to walk toward is ME (followed closely by her Daddy).


  1. Yay for Daisy! What a cutie! Man, you have early walkers. My earliest walker was Logan at 10 1/2 months. Then it went 12 months, 14 months, 15 months, and 17 months (Bethany)! Do I have lazy kids or what?

  2. I'm glad she's finally walking. Seriously, we Cazier's have a brand to uphold here--9 months is the mark I like. None of this 11 month stuff.

    Alright, fine. You can have her walking toward YOU as the thing she likes most to walk toward, but if she'd been walking toward ME, she'd a been walkin' an 9 months.

    (I'm still super stoked that my baby's bipedal!)

  3. Ok- seriously, your babies walk freakishly early!!!! I remember thinking how crazy young they were walking around church!

    I guess it is all relative though- my babies seem to immobile for-ev-er. Callie never learned how to crawl and the boys are following suit. To be honest- I prefer immobile children!

  4. P.S.- Daisy is ADORABLE in those shots with those cute, skinny legs!

  5. What a cutie! And, yes, your babies walk early. Mine are usually taking their first steps right around the year mark.

  6. Well, Daisy is only a week away from the year mark, so I figure she fits right in with the average child. I guess I don't really care either way—if they walk early or not. Except for June...because she was not a happy baby until she walked. So when she walked at nine months and became an angel baby in comparison, I was supremely glad for those first steps.

  7. Yay for Daisy! She is darling!! And for some reason one of my very favorite of the pictures is the very first one. She is just so stinking cute!

  8. Excellent documentation! She looks so grown up.

  9. She is just so sweet! I love her expression in all those shots. And wow--your kids do walk early! My first was around a year and my second, bless her heart, held out until fifteen months, which I didn't mind in the least.

  10. Wow, Melanie has a good memory. Daisy's such a cutie. I love the stunt work and the leg warmers.

  11. Way to go, Daisy! What a cutie!

  12. Yea!! PS She totally looks like she's about to do a workout video from the eighties in that outfit-I love it.

  13. Holy cow she is cute and I am loving her leg warmers. My fourth girl was my latest walker too but they were all closer to a year. Your daughter's must be advanced as well as exceptionally adorable. Here's to mobility!
