Thursday, July 9, 2009


We did swimming lessons for the kids a few weeks ago. See, my plan was to take pictures the last day. Uh, that sorta fell through.

June was such a trooper and she tried so hard to learn to swim this year, but she wasn't so great at combining her arms with her legs and that led to a lot of floundering. A. LOT. I watched her the last day and bless her heart, she would throw herself into the water with the other kids and they would move forward and she would resurface in the same spot. I wish I could have passed along some stellar swimming genes to her, but if my daughters are anything like me, they will be lucky to learn to swim before they are twenty (which may be when I finally learned—NO SNIDE REMARKS—that really is a story for another day). But because of her whole-hearted efforts, she probably consumed more water than is recommended because by the end of the two weeks, she had swimmer's ear, a sore throat, and pink eye.

I think Thursday night (the last day of swimming) was when her eye started to gunk up (lest you think I was letting my infected daughter go back in the water with other germ free children), so our free swim day (and picture day) was spent taking her to the doctor instead.

I do have some proof of swimming lessons.

And I do let them play in the water at other times, although the promised trip back to the pool has not yet taken place...I need to get my act in gear. Just today we were trying out a contraption put together by our very own neighbor, Randy. I am amazed what this guy can come up with in his head and because Tyler let him borrow some PVC cutters, he built this for us. (That middle sprinkler rotates back and forth)

The girls loved it and I felt that I could get a 'good mother' check for today (seeing that outdoor activities are still not high on my to-do list). Now I just need to put 'mow lawn' on Tyler's to-do list. I promise I am not giving him a hard time; it's not like I EVER mow the lawn.


  1. I hate swimming- but my parents force me to take lessons.I hope I dont get swimmers ear. I hope junes ok.

  2. Ok I totally don't judge about the learning to swim late thing...that was totally me. And I'm almost 26 and still plug my nose most of the time I go under water! (don't judge!)
    And I totally LOVE that sprinkler! My dad built a PVC pipe sprinkler when we were younger. It was mostly to water the lawn, but we did play in it and I was fascinated by how easy it was but how well it worked!

  3. That is an awesome contraption!

  4. Poor June, what a trooper she is. Cool sprinkler!

  5. Don't feel bad about not learning to swim until 20-I'm past that and still don't know! How embarrassing!

    Kudos to getting the girls their lessons!

  6. That Randy guy is a genius. It looks like the girls had a great time! He built us one and Will runs through it all the time, with all his clothes on! Goofy boy!

    And I still can't swim either.
