Friday, August 21, 2009

And the Prestigious Coveted Award Belongs to...


She gets the proud honor of being the first child in the family to need stitches. June may have needed stitches at one point but her parents thought they could just bandage her up and so she has a neato scar on her forehead.

I haven't even had stitches myself although I did have my head stapled together at one point. Tyler, well he is well acquainted with stitches, so after Ivory split her chin on the edge of the counter, I let him take her in. She only needed three little stitches. I hear she was quite the trooper.

In other Ivory news, the girls have treat boxes that house whatever candy comes their way. It tends to overflow around Halloween and Easter, but after a whole summer, Ivory finally finished the last piece in her box. Tyler didn't know this, so one evening when June asked for a treat out of her box, he asked Ivory if she wanted one as well. June piped up with, "Dad, Ivory doesn't have any treats left."
Ivory ran ahead and yelled back, "I'm going to go get my treat box and show you what's not in there." So here is a picture of what's NOT in there.

I thought about getting her some more treats for her box, but Halloween seems right around the corner.


  1. Oh, poor Ivory. It seems so sad when a girl gets hurt. For my boys it just seems to be part of life... You are lucky that it has taken so long for your "1st stitches". KJ had stitches by the time he was 9 months old and then when he was 13 months old he got his thumb cut off and had lots of stitches... Another difference between boys and girls :).

  2. Poor girl. I got stitches under my chin SIX times. It was my curse. Hopefully that is her last time.

  3. Hope ivory is ok. advice from a fellow kid:fill up her treat box again..hehe.

  4. So sad for Ivory. I've only had one child that needed stitches. That's pretty good for boys. The treat box idea is great, my sister does that for her kids too. Less fighting that way I imagine.

  5. My daughter has had stitches in that EXACT spot under her chin thanks to an encounter with a swimming pool ledge.

    Great idea with the treat boxes!

  6. Even though she's small and I feel bad for her, I also envy her for getting stitches at such a young age. I had to wait so long-and I only got one! She's got me beat.
