Thursday, August 20, 2009

My First is in First

I kept reading on people's blogs that school was starting. So early?? But I should not scoff because we were not far behind.

I got June up a little earlier than usual (7:30) because she would normally sleep in another half hour and I wanted to make sure she had time to get ready. Well...she ate breakfast, did a morning chore, studied scriptures with us, had a righteous bloody nose, had her hair done, got dressed, monitored Mom making lunch, packed her bag and still had twenty extra minutes before the bus came. She went out to ride her bike but came back to the door every few minutes to ask if it was time for school. I don't think she was excited at all.

I got her to relax for a minute to grab a candid shot.

I can't even believe how big she has gotten. And by big I mean grown up because it is no secret that she is still a petite thing. In most groups she still is the shortest one (at least they stopped taking class pictures by height—I was always the shortest one at the end in the front row—you can always find me though).

She was my first know, the one who gets experimented on—forever. I had so many mixed emotions today. I thought about her constantly. I missed her, a LOT. I watched the clock way too much. I went out to meet the bus ten minutes early. I wasn't excited at all.

I officially move to make all school days the length of Kindergarten. I liked Kindergarten. She played, learned, made friends, but she wasn't gone ALL DAY. Stupid First grade. I was all ready to pull her out of school entirely, but unfortunately she loved it. So I guess I will just have to get used to it.


  1. Interesting......most parents I know love it when their kids start to go to school all day. You are to funny!

  2. I know how you feel! I was sad all day long without Taylen here with me. I love June's hair, we recently cut Taylen's hair althought not quite as short as June's, but I love having one girl with short hair. It helps a lot when you have a lot of girls hair to do :)

  3. You cut her hair!!! It looks so cute. I love it when my kids go to school... I wonder if you will ever feel that way :)...

  4. My friend Em washed the dishes crying because her baby is also now in the 1st grade. Since I'll never understand how it feels, I guess I'll just say - CONGRATS! It seems appropriate. :)

  5. Oh, one more thing about the backpack? Do they not come in appropriate sizes!!? It looks like it's going to tip her backwards its so big.

  6. You can come and wail and cry on my shoulder any time you want. I think first grade is really more of a challenge that kindergarten! Kindergarten is more like play time. First grade is real school. I'm afraid it won't be a lot easier by the time it's Robyn's turn.

  7. I loved elementary school! I hope she loves it too!
