Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Next Week...High Heels

We have made a last few dashes to the park this week before school starts. We don't stay long; just long enough that they don't feel their mother is a complete slacker. Now that Daisy is walking, I figured it was time to get her used to shoes. This child has been barefoot almost since the day she was born. We probably put some socks on her during the winter (maybe). Other than that, she barefoots it about. I don't think we even have church shoes in her size. This may seem rather white-trash, but I just haven't seen the need until recently. Unfortunately, this means that she is still a bit ungainly when you add on half an inch on each leg.

She spent a lot of time high-stepping, but probably more time picking herself up.

She's a trooper though and I don't think it will take her long. Plus, I still leave her barefoot most of the time—old habits die hard.

Here's another new thing. Who is that child with Daisy?

You know, the one who's a bit of a show-off?

Why, it's June!! But short-haired June. She pleaded for a while and I finally gave in and we chopped the locks. It only took me a short time to get used to it, because it fits her personality so well. And whereas her hair was not done in those pictures, I busted out the flat-iron today and it took less than a minute to straighten and manage the mane. It would almost take me longer to put it in a pony tail, not to mention the lack of complaining because we didn't have to brush it out. Yep, this low maintenance mom is LOVING this haircut. I'm glad she likes it too.


  1. Gorgeous girls and it's so true about the source of the need to wear shoes until now.

  2. Just darling baby girls learning to walk and love cutting daughter's hair (it's actually my favorite means I can change someone else's look when I am bored instead of my own.)

  3. Cute haircut for June! Good job! About Daisy - high heels definitely is on a list! :)

  4. June's new haircut does fit her personality! So cute.

  5. Oh, I love her new hair cut!! It is absolutely adorable!!!
