Wednesday, August 12, 2009


My kids really like to color. I like that they like to color...most of the time. We seem to have too many crayons and they always seem to get dumped out somewhere, and the baby likes to eat them, and I find them all over the house, but besides that, it is fine.

The girls have been collecting coloring books over the years and we put them in this little cupboard on the side of June's desk. Well, June came to me the other day because she couldn't fit her coloring books inside. That's nonsense, I thought. Until I looked at how many they have. Yikes! Over forty. Clearly, they don't use them all, so I figured we could weed some out.

What I was amazed to find out was that there was a whole stack of books that were finished...full up with coloring. I don't know if I ever finished a coloring book when I was a child. Some of them were the older books with scribbled pages from their youth, but some were colored very well. Looking at these books, I contemplated the hours it must have taken. I am telling you, I am quite impressed. It may even be time to get some new crayons. And a better box to keep them in, naturally.


  1. That is way impressive that they fill up their coloring books. I'm with you, I don't think I even finished a book. I do love to color though. When we were younger, my mom would make a game out of it when we would go on trip. We'd each take the book, and set a timer. Then at the end of the time whoever colored the most pages (and still looked nice) was the winner. Our crayons were always dumped in a large tupperware container, I guess my mom thought it they were dumped out into a container that was too big for them, we wouldn't have to dump them out all over the house. It didn't always work. :)

  2. What dedication they have! I think coloring is theraputic (why can't I seem to spell that right?) I like a brand new box of crayons...I want to start recycling my old ones into cute, who can I give those discarded recycled crayons to?
    (And I liked your comment on my blog...I can't tell you how many times I say that a week "I am not your maid" and "I am not a trash can" when they try to hand me something. They are probably my favorite "mom" things to say.)I hope you are feeling better! it wrong to root for another girl? I think my dream would be five girls...even though I am the brat that brought up the gender question before. It is very exciting!

  3. Hey girl way to go on #5 is alive!!! I can't believe you are pregnant again but I am so excited for you! You guys are the greatest parents and I love your little girls so much. Congrats:)

  4. To this day I love to color in coloring books. I think that it is great that your kids love to do that!

  5. I have often thought that that is the difference between boys and girls... Girls will sit and color for hours... Boys won't!!!
