Thursday, August 13, 2009

Late Birthday Pictures

I always get pictures of the kids around their birthday so that I can keep track of the way they grow. Daisy's birthday was almost a month ago, so you can see that I am lagging behind. Really, I wanted to start taking my own pictures but that would require some extra energy (of which I have none right now). And you can't beat the free birthday 8x10 at Kiddie Kandids.

Except that now you can beat that. They must have had too many people abusing the system (sorry, I was one of them), so now you have to buy at least one sheet in order to get the 8x10. A normal sheet there is $20. Ouch! So really, I got two sheets for $20 since I did get the free 8x10, but now I am really inspired to do my own photography from now on. Here's hoping I feel a little better by June's birthday. In the meantime, here is my Daisy (a year and almost a month old).

This is a pretty good improvement, since last night Tyler gave her a bath and brushed her hair back right before bed. That usually results in the rooster-do.

Stylish, but not quite right for pictures.


  1. oh girl! you can take better pics than that!!! hope you're feeling better soon. (me too.)

  2. You are really a great photographer Maleen. I have been impressed at your mad skills lately. I am too much of a picture freak though- I go professional way too often!

  3. Those pics are so cute! I can't believe that she is a year already. It goes by way to quickly.

  4. Ok, Daisy is absolutely adorable. I love the mohawk. Classic

  5. I am impressed that you have always kept up on getting their pictures done every year! And those pictures are worth every penny of $20!
