Friday, August 14, 2009

We're Famous....Suckahs

Not really. But I was impressed when my September 2009 issue of Family Fun arrived and my kids were pictured on page 12. I really do love Family Fun for all the great ideas they have, although truthfully I usually look at them and decide we'll save them for a rainy day (i.e. we never do them). This time around, I got off my lazy rear (this obviously happened before the pregnancy) and we made cute little mushrooms which grace my kitchen island daily. I love them. So I even took a picture and sent it off to Family Fun to show my appreciation (and maybe slightly hope that we would make the magazine). And we did.

Here is a poor scan of the page, but the girls are pictured half way down on the right. If you click on it you can see it better.

I meant to blog about it right away when I got the magazine, but I forgot for a few days. I'm glad I did, because it was so much cooler to have someone call me when they found it. Then I didn't feel like I was tooting my own horn (which I obviously am now).

Anyway, not a big deal, really, but still very fun to see them in the magazine.


  1. I think that's great! You've got way more energy for fun crafts/projects/activities pregnant than I do normally. So go you!

  2. i smiled when i saw you guys in there! way to be creative with you kids!!!

  3. Look at you even sending in a picture! Your girls look adorable in that shot!

  4. You are so cool! I need to get an autographed copy.

  5. I love Family Fun!!! You girls are so awesome for getting your picture in there! I always have good intentions for doing the fun crafts in the mag but never get around to it... What a good mom you are!

  6. I have that magazine too! And I saw you guys!
