Friday, August 28, 2009

Cutting More Apron Strings

Robyn started Kindergarten yesterday. This was much easier to handle. Like I said, I like Kindergarten. June picked this day to be "sick" so I went over to the school just to make the transition easier for Robyn. I don't think she really needed me though. She loved everything; the bus, the friends, the teacher, the whole day.

I didn't feel much freedom since June was still home bugging her sisters since she wasn't that ill, but today has been much quieter. Ivory, Daisy and I went to the library this morning. Look at me, running errands with only TWO kids. I might be able to get used to this whole school thing, although I still miss them. I think I need to work out some deal with the schools. How 'bout I take them during the day, and then you can have them at night when I am all tuckered out. Don't forget to read them a story and have them brush their teeth. Sounds good to me.

p.s. I love Robyn's little fake smile in that picture and the fact that the backpack is almost as tall as she is.


  1. I think at sounds like a great deal sign me up!

  2. Enjoy it while you can, because when number five comes along, you'll be back to having three kids in tow - and Ivory won't be starting Kindergarten for another couple of years! We're gearing up for next Tuesday when Tim goes back to school - and we're looking forward to that day!

  3. Holy cow that's a giant bag she's wearing!
