Sunday, August 30, 2009

If Suffocation Were Funny

You may have read a warning such as this before:

Warning: Keep this bag away from babies and children. Do not use in cribs, beds, carriages or playpens. The thin film may cling to nose and mouth and prevent breathing.

I'm not sure if I ever really took them seriously. Of course there are children that suffocate each year from plastic bags (I think I read on one site that there are 25 reports annually). But still, it didn't really register until Daisy found this fun new game.

Yep, she would put the bag over her head, run away, and give her biggest smile as I took the bag off her head. At first I just put the bag down, but she was thrilled with the game, so I had to eventually hide the bag. I think I may need to pay more attention to consumer warnings with this child.


  1. nice. note to self "hide all bags!" :)

    As far as nursery goes, Jonny said it was such a nice day...super easy! Which made me feel less guilty. :) We are both going to be gone next week so I am looking for subs. I will let you know when I find some.

  2. Thats awesome...your blog always give me a good laugh!!

  3. That seems like such a dangerous game...which is the best kind to play.

    Just kidding. :)
