Monday, August 31, 2009

I Needed a Laugh

I am sick. And I personally don't think it is fair to be sick when you are pregnant, because you are already kinda sick to begin with. Needless to say, I keep coughing and I haven't been able to really breathe for over a week. I think I would make a terrible cancer patient because I always hear about how stoic they are and how they don't complain. Um...that is not me at the moment. I am complaining. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. that that is out of my system. I am still doing the mom thing regardless; chasing babies, making lunches, reading stories, cleaning up messes, etc.

Tonight I was doing spelling words with June. She wrote them all down on separate pieces of paper. Then we organized them by sound, then alphabetically. Finally I have her put them in the order that she likes them (just 'cuz it is fun to see which words are her favorites). She had them all lined up and I read them down in order. The last four words put together made me laugh out loud and June burst into giggles too. These were the words:


We laughed until June peed a little. Dad came in and gave a slight frown and told me that I should not be laughing at such things, but come on...I needed a good laugh right now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had to delete my last comment because of a spelling error so here is what I said: I completely agree with the not being sick while pregnant theory! Why with all of the discomforts of pregnancy must there also be sickness????? I'm sorry your not feeling well and I hope that you start to feel better soon! :-)

  3. I laughed out loud! In fact, I'm still giggling as I type this. Laughter really IS the best medicine!

  4. I feel your pain! I have had a cough for almost 5 weeks now and believe me, I have had my share of pitty parties! Hope you feel better soon, but until then, laugh lots:)

  5. That is so great. I love moments like that! They make life so memorable! I think I would have peed my pants if I were you. I have ZERO control in that area when I am pregnant for then entire nine months. It would have been SO worth it.

  6. I am glad that you got a good laugh! We laugh at stuff like that all of the time...Tyler, wouldn't like our jokes for sure! I am sorry that you haven't been feeling good, but I am excited to see you this weekend!

  7. Tyler would normally be the first one to laugh at jokes like that. The girls have been saying things like 'butt' too often so we are trying to bring it down a notch. Therefore I wasn't helping much.

  8. Tyler ruins all the fun! I feel bad for your sicknesses whilst being preggers already!
