Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit

Why does the most random information and memories get stuck in my head? Parts of my life are a blur and other moments I can remember in minute detail. I can't remember important information given me last week, but I can recall something my friend said as we were walking through the mall over fifteen years ago.

Here is a perfect example. I took a class in high school from a woman named Mrs. Johnson. I wasn't very impressed with her as a teacher. She liked the high school boys. I kid you not. She would give extra credit to the jocks if they found some way to take off their shirts during the semester. Classy, I know. She taught about words and definitions and I don't think I learned very much that I didn't already know (being the ace student that I was). However, she told us one time that on the first day of the month, when you wake up, if the first thing you say is Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit then you would have good luck that entire month.

I would try to remember, but inevitably I would say something before I remembered to say Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit. It is not like I even believed in the good luck; it was more the challenge of remembering. And there is the curse. Now I can't forget. Here it is, September first, and I didn't try to say Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit first thing this morning, but this stupid memory came to mind once again. It probably pops into my head 9 out of 12 months each year.

WHY?? Can't I delete that memory and fill it with something more important? Sadly, we don't really have that choice. Save yourself the time and don't ever try this. Apparently a few months of trying to remember to say Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit will lead you to an eternity of them.


  1. Our eery twins-from-across-the-country-who-have-never-met weirdness continues...I have this exact same memory. I first heard that (except it was just two "rabbit's", rabbit rabbit) when I was in about 8th grade. BI-zarre, with a capital B.

  2. Have you considered saying 'Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit" every single morning when you first wake up? That way you wouldn't miss the first of the month. However, it is amazing the things that stick in your mind. In 7th grade I had a grammar teacher who wanted us to be sure to remember what adverbs tell us. We would sit there chanting, "How, when, where - manner, time, place" over and over again. And I DO remember it!

  3. Ellen still does the Rabbit, Rabbit thing. I wonder where that got started?

  4. I am totally going to be trying that from now on. And holy bananas your teacher sounds totally creepy.
