Thursday, September 3, 2009

Not Much Apron Left if You Ask Me

So number three started school this week. A lot of women in the ward got organized and started a joy school and I knew Ivory would love it. She has been watching her sisters leave for school and she wanted in on the action. She even knew that she couldn't go to pre-school until she was four (next year), so she was ecstatic to be doing 'school' this year anyway.

My only hesitation was that I obviously have to be one of the teachers in this endeavor. I think it will be very fun...I just hope I can entertain seven 3-year olds for a couple of hours. I'll give it my best shot. Luckily with so many moms helping out, I only teach every seven weeks or so. That seems doable.

Ivory really enjoyed her first day. She showed each of her sisters the apple book she colored when they got home. Pretty much, this smile says it all.


  1. She looks so adorable! I can't believe that you have 3 going to school, oh how the time flies.

  2. How cute....and how fun that sounds like! It is a wonderful idea!

  3. She is so darn cute! What a sweetie.

  4. She is the cutest! And have confidence, you can totally entertain that many 3 year olds for a couple of hours!
