Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Pinkalicious Day

Jodi called up Tuesday afternoon and told me that I should come to the Lindon pool on Wednesday. I have never been there, but I have heard good things. I still hesitate to go swimming with four kids (being outnumbered in the water never seems like a good thing) but I recalled what a lame summer mom I have been and that we are reaching the tail end of swimming I told her I would go.

I almost backed out a couple of times. I tried to talk two different people into coming with me, but all to no avail. Yet, I stiffened my spine, blew up a plethora of floaties and decided to brave the water.

Thank you, thank you Jodi for inviting us. We had such a great time. Sorry, no pictures (please recall that I also think cameras and water do not mix well). The kids especially liked the lazy river. Daisy would just chill and float; she dug the smooth ride. Even Ivory could hang out by herself with her inner tube under her arms. I got a lot of "I'm fine, don't touch me, I'M FINE!" Okay, I get it Ivory, you are a big girl and can float by yourself. June could go down the slide by herself (with a life vest) and she was feeling pretty grown-up too.

The company was great although I admit that I am not the best conversationalist as I count four kids' heads over and over again and leave every few minutes to chase down the baby or help one of the others. Thanks for being patient Sarah and Jodi, and I really liked hanging out.

When we got home, the girls changed quickly and by happenstance they were all wearing pink. They talked me into wearing pink as well so we could all be pinkalicious. It really was a pinkalicious day.

I'm only sad that we found the great pool right before it closes. But next year I know where to go.


  1. Happy Pinkalicious Day! I'm glad you've had fun at the pool even with all your 4 being all over the place!

  2. So cute! I don't think we'll ever be fortunate enough to stumble upon a pinkalicious day at my house. Maybe greenalicious or yellowalicious would be just as fun? I went to the Lindon pool this summer, too. It's a great pool!

  3. I am so glad that you guys came. There were A LOT of kids between the three of us, but we made it work! (10 kids- 8 being girls? Yikes!) Let's go next year too. :)

  4. I have never read that book, but I just ordered it from a book order and I can't wait to read it. We have lots of pink days in our house. Now the question is, will you get another girl so you can keep having those days?

  5. Aw that sounds so fun! And so cute you peeps are in your pink!
