Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Number Five is Alive

Happy, happy news. NUMBER FIVE IS ALIVE. Every time I say that it makes me think of Short Circuit, but in this case, I am referring to the little life inside me. Yep, I'm pregnant and all that good stuff. And by good stuff, I mean that dreaded first trimester that doesn't really have that much good to redeem it.

I actually wanted to apologize. I have been off my rocker recently. I can't get my house organized or clean. I can't keep my kids under control. I haven't kept on top of blogging and commenting on others' blogs. I'm not really myself at the moment. I know that life will fall back into a regular routine when I don't feel so sick, but for now I will just take what I can get. Like, I mopped my floor for the first time in two months. Baby steps (ha ha, I didn't think that was funny until the third time I reread it).

Tyler has been the absolute best knight in shining armor. He comes at my beckon call which is sadly too often these days. He manages to not get frustrated with me when I tell him to make me some food but I have no good suggestions of what to make since nothing sounds appetizing. I am now more convinced than ever that I married the most wonderful man.

We finally told the kids last night which is why I am posting about it, because I figure that now that they know, the whole neighborhood will know in a matter of days.

Robyn was so excited and told me over and over again that she can't wait to see the baby. This made me think that perhaps we revealed the news too soon, because February is FOREVER away to a five year old. Robyn hopes it is a girl, June wishes for a boy. Ivory told me this morning that she hopes it is a boy so that Daisy will have someone to marry. I thought that was very generous of her to give up the only boy to the youngest daughter while the older three remain spinsters.

We are all very excited and I will be even more so in a few weeks, I am sure. The details include: Due February 22nd, I am currently about 11 weeks along. I regretted in my last pregnancy that I didn't post anything about the baby until a few months along, so I missed recording all my first thoughts and emotions. So this time I wrote the posts but didn't publish them, so if you are dying to read them, you can find them here, here, and here.

So there you have it. Good news and all that.


  1. Holy cow! That is awesome! Go for girl number five :) Sorry you are so sick, it seems like it will never pass when you are in it. Keep hanging in there and I can't wait to here details at book club!

  2. Congratulations! Hope you get feeling better soon. You're almost done with the first trimester, so that's a good thing.

  3. Congratulations, Maleen & fam! That's awesome!!

  4. I have been dying to ask since our chat in my hospital room, but I refrained. I'm so very happy for you, and I will say that yes, 5 is a lot(but it's great). I keep having to head count everywhere we go. Fortunately we haven't misplaced one yet. I hope the sick/tired part subsides in the near future.

  5. so excited for you guys!!! And hope you get feeling better soon...the sick part is for sure not one of the special bonuses that come with pregnancy...

  6. AHHHHH!!! I am so excited!!! I just love babies! And yours are especially soooo cute! Robyn is not the only one who thinks Feb. is forever away! Congratulations, and get feeling better soon! I love you guys and miss you tons!

  7. YEAH!! I am excited for you. You soon will have enough for a basketball team!!! HOORAY!!! Thanks again for the treats!! Yes, they were scrumptious!! Tell your sweet little ones "THANKS" for the hugs. It was a great visit.

    So, are you going to keep up the other blog, too?

  8. i could have written your post, almost word for word... due march 2nd.

  9. I love baby news!! CONGRATS! That is very exciting...I hope the yuckies pass very quickly. I only feel sorry for the fact that you will have people asking that one question for the next 7 months...you know the one that someone with all daughters gets..."So, you hoping for a boy?" It was my most hated question. So don't answer that.

  10. Congratulations! I will send you my boy vibes if you send me your girl ones sometime in the future (future future)! Hope you feel better soon!

  11. Congratulations Maleen! Very exciting. Fingers crossed for a boy this time around.

  12. What a great news! Congratulations! I hope you'll start feeling better soon! Well, maybe February is far away but I think it is not fun to be preggo (on 3rd trimester) during hot summer...

  13. Congratuations! Sorry you are so sick, but still very exciting! How exciting if it's another girl...but also exciting if it's a boy. The girls wouldn't know what to do with blue stuff around! :) I'm so excited for you!

  14. Congrats!!! Enjoy what you can of your last pregnancy --- I just hope that you are able to enjoy the fall and cooler weather soon!

  15. That is so great! I hope the sickness soon leaves you.

  16. Yea! Congrats to you guys! I hope you feel better soon.

  17. Actually, what I am hoping for is a non-dramatic delivery of the little one, no matter what it's gender. I will try to get Daisy's announcement done before October when you find out if it's a boy or girl. Are you sure this is the last and I'll get to cross-stitch something for myself? Are you sure you'll have a good time visiting in September? Are you sure you should still plan to come visit us at Christmas (being 7 months pregnant at the time)? These are questions a mother wants to know!

  18. Congratulations! I'm thrilled for you! You have such beautiful little girls, I'm sure this one will be no different (and if it's a boy, he no doubt will be handsome).

  19. Congratulations! I am very happy for you. I hope you feel better very soon, morning sickness is the worst.

  20. CONGRATULATIONS CAZIER FAMILY!! We so happy for you!! Wow #5! That is awesome! Best of luck to you!

  21. Congrats! Sorry it's taken me so long to post a comment....the boys and I were in Utah for the last week. I am so behind on blogs - July was super crazy with family here and then Aug. has turned into a busy one too, with a long road trip and all! I'm sure #5 will be just as cute as the rest!
