Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Fourscore and seven years ago...

Or, perhaps just seven years ago.

The blogging fast continues, but I would be a bad mother not to post today. June turned seven. I don't know about her, but it made me feel old. My mother pointed out that she has a daughter who has a seven year old. She wins.

I think June had a good day, complete with presents, treats at school, balloons, cupcakes (since the cake comes tomorrow), and much love from all family members. Plus some preview announcements of her gifts (we are still trying to get Ivory to keep a secret—she did a pretty good job up until the end).

I think her wish will come true. I hope it is that she doesn't grow up too quickly.

June, we love you so much. You were a great start to our little family.


  1. Looks like a happy birthday. Cute girl.

    I've told Ryan that I didn't know you that well in Provo (maybe because we were in the no child stage still), but it's been fun to have you as a blogging buddy. I always enjoy reading your posts. Hope you're feeling well.

  2. Happy Birthday June! I can't believe she's 7! I still remember when she was a baby. She is still as cute as ever though, as are all your kids! :)

    p.s. I stopped by one day to drop off your book but nobody was home. And now I'm stuck in bed with a back injury. You can come pick it up from me or I can try to get someone to come drop it off.

  3. I just found a Christmas card picture of you holding June as a baby! Just wait till you have a 9-year-old!

  4. I know I haven't known her her whole life, but crazy to think that June is 7 already! Boy time flies.
