Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thickest Gums in the World

Daisy seems to be enamely-challenged. Yes, this is a phrase I made up to simply explain that she is a slow teether. She is currently fourteen months old and she has exactly TWO teeth. Count them. One. Two. They are her front bottom ones. I know six-month-olds who have more teeth than she does.

This doesn't slow her down in the eating department. She can probably gum down more than a ninety-five year old man. But I do fret about these teeth that can't be bothered to come in. Most frustrating is that I know they are there; at least the top two. I can see them. I have been able to see them for about two months. They are right under the gums and I think, Oh, any day now they will pop through.

I've stopped believing that. Well, I guess I am still ever hopeful despite the long wait. I mean, they have to come through eventually right? I've decided that she must have the thickest gums in the world (or possibly the most transparent) since it is taking those teeth so long to get through. I looked at her mouth today, marveling yet again how they have not broke the surface. So I decided to take a picture.

I think this gives you the basic idea. And just because everyone loves to have someone poking in their mouth, here is a more accurate picture of me trying to capture the moment (Robyn's foot is in the background because she was holding Daisy's hands down—I'm such a good mother).

Sheesh...those teeth are right there. They will probably come through tomorrow (of course, I have been saying that for the past two months). Maybe I should take bets and give a reward for whoever is closest. At this slow oral rate, she probably won't lose her baby teeth until she is in her teens (she'll be the first one picked for all the know, that girl with no front teeth). I'm just holding out on the the theory that slow teethers have healthier teeth. We may never have to do fillings on this child...especially if she never gets any teeth.

Do they have baby dentures?


  1. My kids get teeth late too, and I hate it because they can't eat as many things! Have all your kids been this late?

  2. Henry got his first tooth, yes first tooth, at 15 months! So she is way ahead of him! He is now 20 months and has 5 molars! Maybe he should challenge Daisy to a "Gum-off" we could see who is the real king, or queen, of the Gummers!!! :)

  3. Robyn got teeth at six months, June at seven. I thought Ivory was slow at 11 months, but all the rest came in shortly after that. Daisy is definitely the winner of slow teeth.

  4. Have I told you lately how much I adore her name? And that she is darling, teeth or no teeth? And that you also implement the use of feet and legs to restrain a baby (my favorite is the "change the diaper" position where my legs are straight out in front of me pinning down their arms so they can't roll away.)
    Maybe you could get her a pair of "flippers", pageant teeth for the time being...but then you would have to curl her hair and use lots of hairspray and a fake tan too.

  5. I was a slow teether--as my mom tells me. And I do have really healthy teeth (if it's any consolation). My first two girls got teeth at 6 and 7 months, but my third is still a holdout at nine months--nothing yet.

  6. Warren got his first tooth at 14 months. My family asked about baby dentures, too! He is now 6 and wiggles his teeth all the time in the hopes that one is close to being ready. Thick gums have to be good for something, right?

  7. It sounds like there are plenty of slow teethers, including mine. None of my kids got their first tooth until 12 months. Derek only has his two bottom teeth and I don't see any top ones coming in yet. I like the idea of a gum off.

  8. I bet they'll sell baby dentures in the same aisles as baby toupees. You know, for the baby who is self-conscious about having no hair.
