Monday, September 21, 2009

I Like Books...

...especially children's books. Ivory brought home three scholastic book orders last week. I looked through and found all too many books that I wanted to get. Tyler was nice enough to let me get $30 worth of books.

That was narrowed down from the $140 I had picked out originally. What can I say? I like books.


  1. Me too! I'm already out of room to store more books and I gave away A LOT before we moved.

  2. do you have a scholastic warehouse near you? ours is just up the street (literally) and a couple times a year they allow people to come in and get 50% off the book order prices. i love it! i stock up every year.

    we let our kids spend $10. they pick their own books. it teaches them to budget. (i also still have to approve the books... no barbie crap!)

  3. I just had to go through the exact same elimination process last know about the Scholastic Warehouse in Sandy, right? It is kind of like heaven twice a year.

  4. Well do I remember those Scholastic order forms - both from your childhood and my own. Some of the best books I ever read came from there. Check out when the sales in Sandy are and I'll see if I can arrange to be there during one of them. Of course, your love of books comes naturally. Funny you aren't more enamored of comics . . .

  5. Ooh, I am so checking up on the Sandy warehouse. That sounds right down my alley.
    I'll have to practice some self control or Tyler will never let me go back.

  6. I have the same trouble. Since this is my oldest daughter's first year of school, this is the first bookorder we've gotten and I am having a hard time deciding.

  7. i love books - scott has no clue why i am "obsessed" with children's books ... why i keep buying more. but i love them! oh...i love it when i find a yard sale that has great books - for a great price! whoo hooo!!! that is why i need that bookshelf from pottery barn, man this is an expensive "hobby"!

  8. I love the scholastic bookorders too! I have a hard time choosing every single time we get them, but it goes without saying that we WILL order something! What kinds of books does June read? I am looking for some that Tay might like:)

  9. When we lived in Houston we had a Scholastic warehouse down the road, and yes, one year I went and got $200 worth of books for $100. It was so worth it. Such great kids' books.

  10. I'll just say amen to the above comments and request that when you get info on those Sandy sales that you take me with you...please don't tell my husband. ;) I'd say I'm a closet book lover but the reality is the books are spilling out of the closets, the shelves, the tops of dressers and peeking out from under beds.

  11. I always always wanted to order from the scholastic books when I was younger and never got to! What a good mom you are to get them some!
