Friday, September 18, 2009

It Sucks When You're Wrong

On Tuesday I distinctly heard scritching and scratching coming from inside my walls. Great, I thought, there is a mouse living in the walls. I heard him in the walls behind the toaster and I heard him in the walls between the pantry and cupboards. Those two areas are not even close, so he must have pretty free run back there. I called Tyler to tell him that we have an unwelcome guest in our walls. He mentioned that it was probably already in the house.

Um...NO! The mouse is NOT in the house. Come on, I would have seen mouse droppings or something.

Wednesday morning I was sitting in my living room giving myself a short siesta as I watched kids bustle around getting ready for school and Tyler cart the baby while he cleaned parts of the kitchen (lest you think I am a complete slacker, I had just thrown up or else I would have been helping as well). A movement caught the corner of my eye and I looked down to see a mouse peering out from under the couch. Dang...I was wrong. Really wrong.

Nothing like that to spur me back into action. I took the baby and Mr. Mouse Hunter went to work. Sadly the mouse got back to his recess behind the fridge/oven/dishwasher area. Tyler pulled everything out and much to our dismay it looks like he has been here a while. After the contractor on the house came and did some work for us on the outside siding a while back, they never closed everything up properly and there was a hole leading from the outside to the dishwasher; irresistible to a mouse. When we pulled the dishwasher out there were droppings all over the top. Eww.

I actually think mice are cute. I had some as pets and when my parents found some when I was growing up, I wouldn't let them kill them. We caught them all live and put them in a cage (I think we caught twelve in the end). Apparently I am not so kind when it comes to MY house. Stupid filthy mouse. Tyler set traps right away, and caught one before the day was out. I would like to think it was the only one, but that would be too easy right? In the meantime we have sealed all holes to the outside and we hope that keeps any others out for the duration.

The worst part is finding where this mouse has been. My kitchen drawer full of measuring spoons and spatulas is right next to the dishwasher; found mouse droppings in that drawer along with the drawer next to it. Eww. Just this morning, I realized that he visited the entertainment center since there are droppings on the DVD player and below. Not to mention the couch where I found quite a few droppings (but that couch needs to go anyway). I just don't like the thought of a diseased mouse running around my house. Let's hope he is gone for good. And maybe next time I will trust Tyler's opinion when it comes to these things. For the record, I'm usually the right one...


  1. A few weeks ago my sister (who goes to BYU) was home for the weekend at my folks' house. She came back to her bedroom from showering and saw a fuzzy brown lump on her bed (she didn't have her glasses on at the time). So . . . she put on her glasses and, sure enough, Mr. Mouse was keeping the home fires burning. She chased him out of her room but we all got a good laugh out of it. But I'm not laughing at you (really) because I'd do the same thing. I don't want any manner of rodentia in my house either.

  2. not fun, I am cringing just thinking about it!

  3. You are so right. Ewww times ten. Out in the wild with those huge heads and tiny bodies, kinda cute...inside or anywhere near something that I touch or eat?...really not cute at all. I hope they are all gone, for good.

  4. I'm sorry (about the mouse and about you being wrong). Mice make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I hope the closing off of the holes will do the trick.

  5. That stinks and and I totally here you! Last year in the middle of the night I went to the bathroom and there was a little mouse in our bathtub! I totally FREAKED out and Eric got rid of it. Since then we never leave our back door open for long periods of time to let Tinka in and out, that is how we think and hope it got in. It has been a year now and so far now more mice... Knock on wood.

  6. Every fall they end up in our attic somehow. I haven't seen one in the house yet. If I did I would totally freak out.

  7. Maybe I should give you my cat? I've found two mice treasures outside courtesy of Seraphina Sparkles (aka Kit). Besides, she feels lonesome since I brought home a better baby.
