Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My Child Does CRACK

Daisy is trying out new sounds all the time. She is at that cute stage where she mimics actions and words to the best of her ability. Tonight at dinner she folded arms simply because she saw me doing it. I have to admit that she is dang cute.

And she said her first official word (not counting Mama and Dada which are freely interchanged for whichever parent she sees or wants). The word was 'cracker'. It started off as merely crack, but she sometimes finishes it. Also, because there are so many different kinds of crackers (i.e. animal, graham, club, etc.) that we hear a lot of requests for crack around here.

She even managed a pretty good 'cupcake' the other day which earned her just that...a cupcake. I mean, if she can manage to say it, how can I not give her one? I need to stop being such a softy. After all, what am I going to do when she figures out how to say 'all the cash in your wallet, or your credit card would be fine.'

p.s. One of those top teeth finally came in—glory be!


  1. I love baby words! So Cute. And Yeah for the tooth! :-)

  2. So cute! Hey do you know what you are having yet??
