Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Whole Handful

Back in college I found this crosstitch pattern that I thought was adorable. I don't normally go for the cutesy style, but I just liked this one for some reason. It has a little poem in the middle that says,

Light fades
stars appear
little angels

gather here

Each little angel was unique and made me laugh. I thought about changing the color of the hair so that if I ever had five little girls they would match, but what were the chances?

Apparently, better than I thought.

We learned today that baby number five is a girl. We are thrilled. It feels right that she should be in our family. I think she will fit right in, don't you? I was mostly relieved that they moved my due date. Usually by twenty weeks, my babies are quite active, and this one has been less so. Well, that is because she is measuring at 18 weeks. This seems right to me as well, so I was not disappointed at all when they pushed my due date back into March (the technician was relieved; it seems not all women are so compliant about moving their due date). So, if you have been following the counter and you notice my pregnancy going backwards, don't be alarmed; I'll catch up to twenty weeks again.

In the meantime, I am happy to say that it looks like the angels really are gathering at my home. In fact, I will have a whole handful of them soon.

Don't you love this sweet little profile with little hand above.


  1. WOW congratulations!! That means we will both be having girls within days of eachother. Who knows though because I went over 4 days with Brinley. A little sad that it is not a boy for you but your girls are soo amazing so there will just have to be one more amazing girl!!

  2. Congrats! We are so happy for you guys...girls they're the best!!!

  3. What are the chances? Apparently pretty good with your track record. Excited for you guys!

  4. I am so excited for you! 5 angels, what more can you ask for? It's funny how life doesn't turn out like you thought it would, but it almost ALWAYS turns out much better! Congratulations on 5 beautiful girls.

  5. yay! (secretly hoping for a girl over here).

    looks like we're now due at the same time! good, i don't have to be jealous of you anymore.

  6. Congratulations! One more girl is one more angel :) And one more interview for daddy to do when time comes for dating :) I'm sure she will be as cute as all other girls your have :)
    So happy for you!

  7. Congratulations! You seem to be great at mothering girls, so I'm glad you'll have another one. :) Hope you're feeling better as you get further along....

  8. Congratulations! And YAY FOR GIRLS!! :) Are your girls so excited? I heard one day from one of your girls all about how baby had to be a girl to fit in the family. I guess that's true! I'm glad you got an answer from the Ultrasound about why you aren't feeling movement. That is a relief! Congrats again! :)

  9. Congrats!! You do girls so well, why change?

  10. I am so glad that you guys are thrilled that #5 is a girl. I have always said that Heavenly Father will send the children to me that should be in our home- not gender but little souls.

    That is hilarious about the angel cross stitch by the way! Wow- if only you had known!

  11. Girls!!!! yeah!!!! Lots of loves, a little sass, and all things pink and purple!!!

  12. Congratulations Maleen! I am so happy for you guys! Any names picked out?????

  13. yea!!! you guys do girls well! congrats.

  14. Aw, yeah! I am thrilled for you! And hey, if doing that cross-stitch somehow altered your chances of having all girls, then I think I shall look into it! I do love those little pictures of darling little hands. She's going to be as sweet as your others, I just know it. Congratulations!

  15. The crosstitch certainly wasn't planned. I finished it in 2001, a year before I even had June (my first). I was just having whimsical thoughts, that amazingly came true.

  16. Hooray! Congratulations. I can already tell she's beautiful...just like her sisters.

  17. YAY for another GIRL! That is very exciting and you make beautiful girls, so I think it works out very well. :) Congratulations!

  18. Maleen, can you email me, please? Scott wants to ask something from your husband but we don't have your family address. Our address is

  19. YEAH!!! 5 little girls...oh, what a delight!!

  20. I'm happy for you guys. Another you don't have to worry that your boy will feel left out. You just get to inherit 5 sons-in-law. Congrats!

  21. Wow, a little girl basketball team you guys will have! They could be called the "Angels"! Mark has wondered what you will name this one since you now have a month, a bird, a bar of soap, and a flower!?!? Maybe if you were to make a cross-stitch with little boys on it, you'd have some boys! Congrats on cute girl #5! We look forward to hopefully getting together with you guys!

  22. How are you going to squash in another pair of eyes on your logo?

  23. Congratulations Cazier family on another sweet little girl!! You make such cute girls, why mess with a good thing right? We are very happy for you! Take care!

  24. Yeah - what would you do with a boy? With all these baby girls, Tyler will have a chance to wield his side arm, lol!! Many, many times.
