Saturday, October 10, 2009

While I Was Watching Daisy...

Someone else was busy.

She knew she was a stinker, but she thought she was so beautiful that she didn't even care.

She just paraded in front of the mirror and smiled. How can you get mad at that? So instead, I took her shopping, because I shouldn't be the only one to experience her loveliness.


  1. if i did that I would get grounded

  2. Well, I guess she is entitled to use purple as her grandfather (Dad) is descended from King Edward III of England. Although probably thousands, if not millions, of other people can claim the same distinction. It's called 'wearing your lineage on your face'. I'm glad she had a good time.

  3. This is too adorable!!! I sure hope that it isn't permanent...but, purple does look great on her!!

  4. Oh my...that's lovely. Its just impossible to watch all the kids at once huh. I'm glad you took will be fun to remember.

  5. How funny, and cute! Did she get lots of amazed looks from the other shoppers? LOL

  6. I know this is going to sound like I'm kidding, but I'm not. The purple paint makes her eyes stand out. She's got some gorgeous peepers! I couldn't get mad at her, either.

  7. Deanne, I was thinking the same thing. The purple sure does make her brown eyes pop.

    All my girls have their daddy's beautiful brown eyes. I'm just planning the next one will be the same.

  8. The thing that gets me is that you took her shopping like that. You are much more laid back than I am, I would have never done something like that!

  9. Wow.

    I love your attitude about it all. I would have freaked.

  10. That is just fantastic! I definitely would have freaked out if my (hypothetical) children did this.

  11. I think you are the best MOM EVER!!! Everyone should get to see her greatness and I think you are briliant, as usual.
