Sunday, October 25, 2009

'Sobfest 2010' also know as the 'Martin's Cove Trek'

Our ward has decided to do the Martin's Cove Trek next July. There is quite a bit of preparation that goes into such an endeavor. There have already been fundraisers and the Bishopric have been out to the area to preview our experience. This evening we had a fireside dedicated to the Martin's Cove excursion.

I was NOT ready for it. It was great in that they had people come speak who have been on the trek before; but that was the problem as well. It all started to become very real to me. Pulling handcarts, walking miles, fording rivers, herding children, carrying a baby...I wonder if I am up for the task. Mainly I wonder if my tearducts are up for the task.

See, I tend to be rather weepy when it comes to spiritual experiences. Just listening to a young woman sing a song this evening had the tears dripping down my cheeks and June asking what was wrong with me (but come on now, it was a song written from the point of view of a child). Oh, and did I mention that I am pregnant so I cry at the drop of a hat anyway?

Add to this the fact that I am a softy in general and have been known to cry watching commercials or listening to country songs. There is no hope for me in 2010. Granted, I will not be pregnant, but I will have a four month old and will probably still have plenty of post-pregnancy hormones flowing through my system.

I think that about 15 out of the 17 pounds I can bring ought to be tissue. Either that, or I will have very wet sleeves by the end of the trek.


  1. Amen. I think this will be more powerful than we can even imagine. I came home last night telling Darin that our house hunthing is over until after the trek. If you haven't read Fire of the Covenant, I highly recommend it (once you have plenty of tissues on hand).

  2. Hey, I got the haunted mansion gingerbread house at wal-mart. However, I went back over a week ago and they were out there too. I guess they were a hot item?

  3. How I wish we could be there to go...and cry along with you.

  4. ok - when i first read the title -- i misread it and thought it was soberfest ... now that i have re-read it and read what you wrote ... sober sure does not fit! i had to laugh at myself though. i just am impressed you are going. good for you - not even sure i would go myself without kids!

  5. This sounds like a great experience-good luck!

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