Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carved Pumpkins Tell No Tales

For FHE, we had our annual pumpkin carving. I would like to say that this was a family activity, but we were missing a couple since Daisy goes to bed early, and Ivory joined her since she was beyond cranky. Beyond people. The older girls were ready for some carving or so I thought. I don't think they remembered the gory process one must go through to hollow out a pumpkin and they were less than thrilled. I'm pretty sure that at one point I heard Robyn say, "I want to stay clean like a princess." Sheesh, what am I raising, a bunch of girls?

June was less squeamish about the whole thing but she didn't love the 'pumpkin webs' as she called them. Okay, let's be frank, cleaning out the inside of the pumpkin isn't my favorite part either. The gook inside makes my skin itch. I always wonder if I am slightly allergic to pumpkin guts, but I think it makes everyone's skin itch.

The girls are getting old enough that I let them draw their own faces on the pumpkins and then I carved them (maybe we'll give them the knife next year). I decided to take a new approach to carving and I had Tyler bring out his special tools.

The drill worked fabulously, and when this baby is lit, it looks like a disco ball.

I love it. Tyler didn't stop there, but instead played with his dremel thus producing the pumpkin dust that he is covered in (you really should click on his picture—it is on his glasses and in his hair; it's everywhere).

When we were all finished, we lit out creations and admired our hard work. I give you 'Pam', 'Michael', 'Boo!', and 'Disco Inferno.'

Tyler didn't drill all the way through his which is why Pam looks more muted.

Not to be outdone, I offered Ivory the chance to carve the next afternoon, but I can't say I was sad that she chose the face creations instead of icky sticky pumpkin guts. I think her pumpkin looks great and I guarantee it won't rot as quickly.

As for Daisy, and baby bump...well...we got them pumpkins, but they probably won't get carved this year. It's the thought that counts girls.


  1. you are better parents than we are. due to the massive bug population here in Florida, we don't carve pumpkins. Mostly because in 2 days it'll be bug-infested and moldy. Not worth the mess.

  2. You certainly do fun things with your family. I wish we lived closer so we could participate too. I love Ivory's pumpkin, but I have to admit the disco ball is pretty neat too.

  3. I like when you say "what am I raising? A bunch of girls?" That was funny. And I love the pumpkins. The polka dots are a favorite of mine. Pumpkins so pretty.
    (Did I tell you that if I could be promised another girl I might just get pregnant right this very minute? I just love the 5 girl thing. Love it.)

  4. I LOVE your pumpkins! I think they all turned out great. You have a whole family full of very talented pumpkin decorators. So fun!

  5. Good pumpkins! You guys are so much more creative then we are. We just do the standard pumpkin faces. So fun. I love your pictures.

  6. Great job on your pumpkins. We only got one carved this year mostly because I do it and I HATE the pumpkin guts. So one is enough for me.

  7. Pumpkins looks great! Girls did a good job! Oh, and disco pumpkin :) so fun!

  8. I love taking out pumpkin guts. I love the way it squishes through my fingers. I also like playing in mud. I just like the feel of stuff squishing through fingers and toes.

  9. Cute, cute, cute... Looks like you had fun and used your creative juices!

  10. Carving pumpkins is fun! I don't have the patience for it-but it looks like you guys do-they look great!
