Saturday, October 31, 2009


This year was COLD! It didn't snow or rain, so it wasn't terrible, but I think the girls finished in record time just so they could go inside. We usually get pictures by the car but they were off like a shot (not even bothering for a parent to attend them this year). Tyler carried Tiger-Daisy (get it, not Tiger-Lily...) and I manned the vehicle. Shivering kids came holding shaking bags and I distributed goodies (I was a total slacker this year and I did not get around to ordering stuff from Oriental Trading Company, so I just gave out boring candy). I eventually sent Tyler in to get some pictures, but I am not loving the background. I am sure he had his hands full managing all four, so we will call it good this year (since I didn't get to either of the girls school parades, and I was busy face-painting for Ivory's pre-school party). I do feel like a bit of a slacker, but you get the idea. June went as a cat.

Robyn was a gypsy.

Ivory was a witch.

And then of course Tiger-Daisy. Oh, wait. We didn't get ANY pictures of Daisy because Tyler was holding her, so we did an impromptu photo session two minutes ago and I am loving my little Tiger (sans whiskers).

That last picture is simply to remind me of my theft (you can even see Tyler's condemning eyes). And yes, she got more pictures than the rest of the kids, but we have already discussed how life is not fair (Oh, and to give credit where it is due—Tyler did take those less than savory pictures at the church, but he also took all the stinkin' cute ones of Daisy. He's not a bad photographer himself).

I went as Penelope this year (you have to have seen the movie to get it).

Only a handful of people knew who I was. Some guessed I was the swine-flu. No. The outfit was actually quite advantageous considering the weather.

Tyler went as a gun-slinger and I finally got some photos of him after the event. Um...yummy.

The chili/soup cook-off after Trunk-r-Treat was good but crowded as usual. I admit freely that I will enjoy these events more when I can send my kids off to get their own food and I don't have to worry about filling four plates/bowls before I can sit myself.

And so ended the evening of sugar gathering.

I felt that we had enough and therefore I am not taking the kids trick-or-treating on Halloween (a.k.a. tonight), but I did plan a family Halloween party so that should ease the pain. Plus, they are very excited to hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. But I'll tell you now, if the older kids in the neighborhood come wearing no costumes and looking for a free hand-out, think again. I'm going to make them sing or something. Maybe do some of my dishes...

p.s. I have never been able to talk my kids into doing a theme together. This year was the closest we got with two costumes in the cat family. I'll take theses two kitties for sure.


  1. Maleen - your costume is the best! and the description as well. It made me laugh so bad :) No-costume kids making your dishes - sounds like a good idea :)

  2. Your kids would look good no matter what they went as - but I loved their costumes. Dad was particularly taken with Ivory's witch outfit. We had a party at work Friday night, and I won the costume contest (although I have to admit there wasn't much competition). Give each of your little trick-or-treaters and big hug and kiss from their grandparents!

  3. I think the costumes look great- theme or no theme. We are living up the themes while they still have no opinions. We'll see how long that lasts. Love the tail picture- you kill me.

  4. oh i wish i would have thought to ask around for a nemo!!! i wanted a common theme like we did last year, but did not find a nemo!

    oh well -- at least you had 2 kitties! love the idea of a halloween party instead of trick r treating!

  5. Looks like you guys had a fun time! Pregnancy this time has taken a lot of energy out of me, so we toned it down this year too.

  6. Adorable. I just love Halloween, the dressing up, the kids, the CANDY. I know someone who left the ward activity after the dinner, skipping out on the trunk or treat because they don't do the whole "sugar thing". I find it a total travesty. I have mourned for the sugar-less today.

  7. How cute are those costumes! Especially yours-I do love that movie! I feel like trunk-or-treating would be so easy to get as much candy in as little time as possible!

  8. Cute, Cute, Cute... Your girls are soooo adorable!!! I love to see the great costumes that you all wear on Halloween every year.

  9. I loved the costumes!

    I TOTALLY got the Penelope reference!
