Friday, November 27, 2009

After several coats of Lysol, I am using my computer again.

Quarantine is slowly winding down around here, and that means I have been allowed back in my room for extended periods of time. Previous to now, I have not been in here but for mere moments and that means you have been very privileged to hear from my guest poster (may he continue to recover quickly). I myself have been a bit put out by the arrangements. I have been sleeping on the couch (not the most comfortable for the pregnant lady) and my Google Reader is exploding with posts I have yet to read myself (don't plan on any comments from me as I catch up on a week's worth of blogging).

Despite the downs of this week, there have actually been a few ups. First off, let's just be thankful that out of all the people in the family, Tyler got the flu. I hear it is terrible on pregnant women, and if one of the kids got it, how do you quarantine them? Tyler was very responsible about staying in his room and using hand sanitizer like it was going out of style. It was a bit like having my husband on a business trip, yet he was just hanging out upstairs. He couldn't help with the kids, he couldn't help with the chores, and still I brought him every meal in bed. Wait, this is shifting back towards the negative...back to the positive.

Tyler tends to get hit really hard at the beginning, but recover fairly quickly. I think he is still in the official 'contagion' period, but at least he isn't throwing up and most of his aches and pains are a thing of the past. He has been a real trooper through all the illness; probably more of a trooper than me since I keep having mini pity-parties for myself.

The biggest high from the whole experience was actually Thanksgiving. We have never had our own Thanksgiving because we always go to Idaho. After we found out that we shouldn't go there (being potential germ carriers), we decided to make the best of it and have our own feast. I'm thinking that it didn't turn out too badly. I'm proud of our endeavors and the girls loved eating at our house. Afterward we watched Night at the Museum which was on TV and then we all headed to bed. It was a great holiday. Tyler even joined in the festivities, with plenty of hand sanitizer nearby and promising not to cough on anyone (I told the children they could hit him if he coughed on them). Here is a bit of the grub.

June even made name tags for us all.

So although we didn't get out much this week, we were still all together as family and that is what is really important.


  1. I'm glad Tyler is starting to feel better. I enjoyed reading his posts from quarantine, but missed reading posts from you of course! :) I am glad your holiday turned out to be good. I love "unplanned" and "accidental" things that turn out to be better maybe than the original plans! And I love the cute artistic name cards. What creative kids you have! :)

  2. Somehow when my kids got the flu I was the one who got sick too but Karli did not. That meant I took care of the kids for the next few days and she got some time off. Maybe she caused that to happen on purpose :). It sounds like my symptoms were not as bad as Tyler's and I'm glad to hear you all our okay.

  3. Looks like good food! Didn't they give Tyler Tamiflu (a perscription) for the swine flu? It seriously helps you feel better within 24 hours. I feel for Tyler, H1N1 is HORRIBLE!

  4. Cute little name cards! Awesome that Tyler could at least join you for eating!
