Saturday, November 28, 2009

Third Tooth's the Charm

June managed to hold onto her tooth this time. Well, that is for at least twenty minutes. She knew it was loose, so as we ran errands, she sat in the back on the car wiggling the heck out of it. We arrived home and I could see her bloodied fingers still hard at work. Not to be outdone, that tooth came out moments later. She was sooooo excited!!

She studied her prize and asked if perhaps she should clean it off (being still bloody). I told her that the tooth fairy would probably appreciate it. Minutes later, a sobbing June came out of the bathroom. It didn't take a rocket scientist to diagnose that while washing it, the tooth had slipped down the drain.

That girl has seriously bad luck holding on to those teeth. Luckily, her father is a superhero in disguise and he saved the tooth from the bowels of the sink. And after losing it only once more that evening, the tooth finally made it safely to the tooth pillow. The Tooth Fairy rewarded her a whole dollar for her efforts.

These kids sure make life interesting.


  1. So fun! And I would be sad too if I had lost my treasure down the drain. Gotta love dads who can save the day with things like plumbing! And she looks so stinking cute toothless! :)

  2. Sad to lose the tooth, but thank goodness for the dad who got it out!
