Sunday, November 29, 2009

Filling the Quota

Tomorrow I will post my last post for November, having officially blogged every day. I liked the challenge, but truthfully, I may not have enough intelligent things to say to fill a whole month. I liked the motivational factor, but I'll be the first to admit that, like hot dogs, my posts had some filler that was unneeded. It is better if I come to the computer with an idea, rather than thinking up an idea while I sit at the computer. Mostly because at the moment that usually results in a post about a) pregnancy, or b) being tired.

So in true fashion I'll let you know that I am pretty sure that I should stop wearing high heels for the rest of this pregnancy. I came home from church with two charlie horses in my calves. I also found out that one of the sisters in my ward is expecting the same month as I am. I didn't know until today because she isn't really 'showing'. I have been 'showing' since about August. Yep, you can give me all the yada-yada that this is her first pregnancy and this is my fifth, but a huge belly is still a huge belly, and it is on ME. I already love this baby though and know it is all worth it, so I will stop the drama train before anyone pulls the emergency brake.

In happier news, I think Tyler is almost back to normal. He is back to slapping me on the rear and making suggestive motions with his eyebrows, so I am fairly certain the worst is behind him. I will miss having him around; even when he is sick, he is still not too shabby a companion (did I mention that we are coming up on 10 years married? Um, anyone have any good anniversary ideas?)

And so, another sabbath passes. I should give a shout out to Emilie: Your crock-pot lasagna is the happiest thing to come home to after late church. I don't know what I will do next year when we get home at a reasonable hour. I want to say nap, but with four and a half children I would have to bind and gag at least three of them to get any decent sleep. Maybe I should ask for duct tape for Christmas. . .


  1. You can't mention a yummy crock pot dinner and NOT include the recipe! Share, please! :)

  2. Of enjoyed all your posts this month!

  3. Hey, all your posts were good! And I don't think people realize how hard it is to do, so good work!
